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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

After giving Yuki some cup of tea I began my search of Nakamura. I first went to the third year's classroom cause Yuki told me that Nakamura is a third-year student. I went to the stairs when someone walked past me. I ignored it and went to the classroom, I open it and was greeted by a splash of water on my face.

"Oh, crap!" A voice that sounds like Nico said, oh wait it is Nico.

I wiped my face with a handkerchief I have in my pocket. "What is the meaning of this Nico?" She laughed nervously "Well, I thought that you were the new transfer student, cause she left a minute ago."

I raised an eyebrow "What does that have to do with you splashing water to me?"

"Look, I and the others were trying to talk to her but she won't! When she got back at lunch, I tried to talk to her but she exited the classroom and skipped the rest of the class. Her bag is still here so we figured that she'll come back to get it." Nico explained to me.

"She skipped classes?" I asked. She nodded.

"Hold up... So you're saying that when she enters this room. You'll splash her with water?" She nodded "I think that will make her ignore you, Nico." I said arms crossed.

She sighed "We just don't know-how to talk to her!" Eli joined in.

"Well, Nico, I think (Y/N) is right about that," Eli said she then looks at the window "But if we're able to make her join. Then we will have a great advantage in tournaments"

I then put my palm on top of my hand
"Oh, wait. I was able to convince Yuki to join-" I was cut off by Nico grabbing my shoulders.

"You what?!"

"I'm able to convince Yuki to join" I repeated what I said a second ago.

Nozomi who has been listening to our conversation smiled brightly and hugged me tightly. "That's great (Y/N)! All we to do now is convince Nakamura then where all settled!"

I'm running out of breath...

Eli noticed my struggle and tapped Nozomi's shoulders "Nozomi, you're suffocating her."

Nozomi let go and apologized. "It's alright-" I wasn't able to complete my sentence when the door of the classroom opened. I looked to see who it is and to my surprise it was Nakamura.

Nakamura went to her seat and grabbed her bag, she was about to leave when I grab her wrist.

(Lmao, I typed waist. If I didn't notice that, this whole situation will turn into a romantic scene)

She looks at me raising an eyebrow "Do you need something?" I was about to say something but it got caught up in my throat.

She blinks a few times before grabbing my hand that's holding her wrist and placing it to my mouth.

"Watch out, flys will go in of you keep your mouth open" Nakamura then leaves the room.

I regained my senses and blushed lightly from embarrassment

Nozomi notices my blushing face and smirks "Oh~ someone embarrassed themselves~"

I blushed furiously and leaves the third year's classroom. I went back to my classroom and grabbed my bag.

Honoka tapped my shoulder I looked at her asked what's the matter. "Well, your face looks red are you sick or something?" She asks me.

I sighed and shook my head "No, I'm alright, I have some errands to do. So I'll be back at the dorm around 6 or 7"

Otonokizaka Academy (Love Live x Reader) (Superhero AU) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now