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Author: I... I did not expect it to be in #2...

Well anyways... Onwards to the story...

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I sweatdrop at what Umi said

She's close to the conclusion!

I know! That's what I'm worried about!

I finished cooking crepes and Honoka helped me to bring the plates as Umi went to the living room to wake up the others

I sat on my usual seat and looked at the food while waiting for the others then I heard running me and Honoka looked behind and saw Nico running towards me and she suddenly enveloped me in a hug

I stiffened and just sat there not knowing what to do Nico broke the hug she started to shake my shoulders asking me where I was and what happened to you

Luckily Eli stopped Nico from furder shaking my shoulders I sighed in relief but it was immediately stopped when I felt a hand grab my pair


I turned around only to see Nozomi smiling mischievously she raised her hands "If you don't tell us where we're you last night I'm going to give your breast a rub-" I blankly stared at her "Try me"

Nozomi sweatdrops and backed away sitting on the chair

Everyone flooded and sat on there chair then they looked at me I sighed "I was in Akihabara when someone kidnapped me and fortunately Yuki and Mori was there to save me and then we went to the police to report it"

Umi and Honoka looked at me with a confused face probably because it's different from what I told them

Eli looked at me worry plastered on her eyes "Are you okay? You said you were kidnapped are you being targeted?" She asks

I shrugged "I don't know" Nozomi sighed "Just be careful next time, Honoka you should go with (Y/N) when she's going somewhere okay?" Honoka nodded immediately and I sighed and began eating the breakfast I cooked
Mini Time Skip brought to you by Mori and Nozomi

Nozomi [Holding her hand out]: Do you trust me?

More: What?

Nozomi: Do you trust me?

Mori [Has trust issues]: Of course not

Mori's P.O.V.

On my way to Otonokizaka I went past the dormitories I looked at the entrance and saw (Y/N) and her friends I quickly continued walking

"Must be nice to have friends" I said pulling out my phone from my bag I looked at the time since I don't like wearing watches

"7:34 AM" I read out loud putting back my phone in my bag

Then someone tapped my shoulder I looked over my shoulder and Yuki

"Good Morning Mori"

"Good Morning Yuki" I greeted back Yuki pointed at my hand

"Why do you have... A rather long box?" I forgot I was carrying this one I looked at it and carried it over my shoulder

"Just want to help (Y/N) out, so I makes her a new weapon," I said

Yuki tilts her head "Is that a sword?",

'No shit Sherlock' I thought

I nodded " Yup, I'm going to give it to her, I'm also going to gave her this," I said and pulled out (Y/N)'s deck of cards in my pocket

Otonokizaka Academy (Love Live x Reader) (Superhero AU) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now