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Author: My apologies for not updating for the past 6 days. Online school just started and I got lazy.



3rd person P.O.V.

It was lunch and everybody was eating well expect for (Y/N) who just came back from helping a teacher.

She asked Honoka a favor to buy her lunch instead. With (Y/N)'s money of course.

(Y/N) sat on her chair and plugged on her earbuds.

" (R/N), is there anything new?" (Y/N) whispered.

"No, when your fight is over the hero administration will send you quick and easy missions." (R/N) answered.

"I see." (Y/N) mumbled. Taking off her earbuds and putting it back to her watch.

Feeling down?

No, I'm just hungry.

Well, speaking of hungry Honoka hasn't come back yet.

As if in cue Honoka came in the classroom with a plastic bag on her hand. She walked towards (Y/N) and gives her the plastic bag.

"Sorry, the line was very slow" Honoka apologized. "No, it's fine." (Y/N) forgive her and opened the plastic bag. Honoka went to her seat which was behind (Y/N)'s seat.

"Let's see"

(Y/N) opened the styrofoam case which contained the food she wanted.

She opened it and saw... Yakisaba.

(Y/N) looked at Honoka

"Hey Honoka, this is...?"

Honoka looked at her. "It's yakisaba."

(Y/N) looked at the yakisaba on her hand after looking back at Honoka.
"What I asked is-" (Y/N) was cut off by Honoka who seemed to be clueless.

"It was yakisaba, right?" Honoka asked.

"I said I wanted yakisoba!!" (Y/N) outbursts gaining the attention of the others. Honoka looked at her in shock.

(Yakisaba= Fried mackerel
Yakisoba= Friend buckwheat noodles)

"Oh... Did I mishear you? Sorry, sorry."
Scratching her head. (Y/N) looked very angry.

"It's not a problem of hearing, It's a problem with your brain!!" (Y/N) shouted at Honoka.

"Really? But there similar. It's only one letter difference!" Honoka stated to (Y/N) who still looked very pissed.

"But-" (Y/N) trailed off and just sighed.

"Ugh, Fine. I don't care anymore. Where's the rice?" (Y/N) asked Honoka.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Honoka dumbly asked causing (Y/N) to be pissed again.

"I'm talking about white rice!!" (Y/N) shouted at Honoka.

"That's it." Honoka said.

"How the heck am I supposed to eat this?!" (Y/N) shouted at Honoka again.
Honoka looked surprised.

"But (Y/N)-chan, you just said yakisaba." Honoka said. Causing (Y/N) to tear up a little.

"I said I wanted yakisoba!!" (Y/N) shouted again to Honoka.

"Buckwheat. Noodles. That. Have. Been. Fried!!" (Y/N) explained. Slamming her hand to the table repeatedly.

"Why don't you do something on your own for once, you idiot!!" (Y/N) shouted to Honoka again. Wich makes Honoka's switch turned on.

Otonokizaka Academy (Love Live x Reader) (Superhero AU) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now