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Author: Here's the update!
My brain in the past days :

Author: Here's the update!My brain in the past days :

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(Drawn by me)

I ran out of ideas but
my cousin planned something and I liked the idea. That's gonna be in the next chapter

My apologies for not updating yesterday. I just watched an anime called Violet Evergarden and... I did not regret it.

I- It's.... *starts tearing up* beautiful

Anyways back to the story yousoro!


(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I was back in the classroom to get my bag and go home. Normally I would go home around 7:00 PM but I want to get some rest for the tiring day.
My smartwatch vibrated.

" Q, you have a message." (R/N) said.
"Message? From who?" I asked.

"It's from Honoka, it says to meet at the school entrance now." (R/N) explained. Okay...

I head to the school entrance. I looked around but I didn't saw Honoka anywhere.

Seems like she's pulling a prank on you.

" *sigh* Seriously Hono-" Then suddenly my instinct kicked in and I jumped away and landed on a tree branch. I then saw the purple-haired girl behind me.

She pouted. "Man, I'll have a hard time catching you," She said putting her hands down. I jumped down and dusted my skirt. "...Umm" I don't know her name.

"Oh, my name is Nozomi Tojo nice to meet you (Y/N)- chi!" She introduced herself.

First name basis already?

Seems like it.

"Honoka messaged me. She said to wait for me here. Have you seen her Tojo- senpai?" I asked. Tilting my head.
She smiled. "Apparently Honoka had something to do so she asked me to pick you up." She said. "Pick me up? For what?" I asked again. She giggled and grabbed my hand and dragged me somewhere.

Wow so bold-

"Senpai, where are we going?" I asked again. She ignored me and continue to drag me. Then we suddenly stopped in front of a...


Nozomi knocked on the door.

*knock knock*

Then someone opened the door.

"Ah! Nozomi! (Y/N)!" It was Honoka.


"What the...?" Honoka nervously giggled. "Sorry about that"

"What's happening?" Nozomi asked.

Otonokizaka Academy (Love Live x Reader) (Superhero AU) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now