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Author: Did you guys knew?

Mori's first name has different meanings on it

When used as a name:

Mori, literally meaning, "my master," or "my lord".

When used as a word:

Mori (森): A Japanese word for "forest". 

Mori (მორი): A Georgian word for "Log".

A Latin word for "death".

In modern Italian, "Mori" may also derive from Latin Maurus which means "dark-skinned".

Memento mori, artistic creations to remind people of their mortality, Latin for "Remember to die".

I didn't know that... I only know memento mori because of persona, but that's all.

Mori's P.O.V.

I stood up from my chair and grabbed a tissue, I wiped the tears away but it continued streaming down

"(Y-(Y/N) why the heck are you crying?" I stuttered wiping the tears away gently

Then (Y/N) began whimpering. I sighed and put the tissues away and sat on the chair again, looking at (Y/N) who was whimpering and has tears on her eyes

I can't help but feel worried about her. It's not normal for (Y/N) to cry, knowing the fact that she didn't cry when she was being tortured by Tokia. So whatever she's dreaming about must be from I'm her childhood.

I sighed again and grabbed the book I was reading earlier taking glances at (Y/N) for a few seconds then putting my attention on the book

This continued for several minutes which feels like hours to me, and the whimpering eventually stopped

Then (Y/N)'s eyes opened she immediately shot back up and looked around her eyes spotted me beside her bed and she immediately pulled me into a tight hug

I stiffened at the hug but I hugged back and drawing circles on her back.
Then my shoulders felt wet that's when it hit me. (Y/N) was crying.

"Shhh... Just let it all out (Y/N), it's only just two of us here..." With that, she began crying even more to the point that I began tearing up as well

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I shot back up and panicked I looked around and I was in an unfamiliar place. Then I noticed Mori sitting on a chair beside the bed I was sleeping on.

Feeling relief and panicked, I immediately pulled Mori into a tight hug. I feel her stiffen to the hug but she hugged back and draw circles on my back trying to calm me down

Then I remembered the horrible memory I dreamed about earlier. I can't help but began crying, I buried my head on Mori's shoulder and cried

"Shhh... Just let it all out (Y/N), it's just the two of us here..." She said with a gentle voice similar to papa, I began crying more, then I heard sniffling I peeked a little and saw Mori tearing up a little.

I broke the hug "I'm... I'm sorry, I just-"

"No need to apologize, I understand. It's alright, I won't ask questions about what your dream is about." Mori interrupted, closing her eyes and her lips forming a small smile

I let out a shaky sigh and curled up to a ball, I stayed in this position for a few minutes until I began to calm down. I looked yo and saw Mori who was sleeping on the chair with her arms crossed and lap a book which is opened

Otonokizaka Academy (Love Live x Reader) (Superhero AU) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now