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Author: Hello everyone, I just wanna say that you in the story are not overpowered.

This is a short chapter since I need to update my Eli x reader.

Anyways back to the story yousoro~!


(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Anyways here." I throw 01's core to Akito. He was able to catch it.
"You kill-"
"Destroy." I corrected him.
"You... Destroyed 01... That's incredible. You can even still stand after being punched like that. I'm impressed (L/N)" He said.

"Ahhh, even though I'm still standing my stomach and face hurt. 01's attacks here's a 50-50 chance I can get an injury there but thanks to my endurance I survived."

It's a lie! I was abused so I'm used to it right now. But about my face and stomach hurting it's true.

We head back to the bus. But this time Akito sat right next to me.

"Hey, I was wondering. What's your ability?" He asked. I looked at the window. "Joker. Level 4.3" I said.
"Your not binary?" He asked again.
"No... Why do you ask?" I asked back.
"Well, you just transformed a card to a spear. And your cards moved on its own. Mine to explain?"

"All of those is my joker's ability.
Simple as that" I gave him a simple answer. He raised an eyebrow.
"Simple? What do you mean simple?
I want to know how you transformed your card into a spear and how it floats on its own and also let's not forget how your spear moved on its own too! And it makes an explosive attack for goodness sake!" He demanded answers.

I sighed. This is gonna be a long day. "If I use my joker card it can transform into a spear or a scythe. And it can move on its own if wants to.
And If I reach out my hand. If my spear or scythe is anywhere neither in space nor in the depths of water it will eventually come back to me." I explained. I looked at him. "There you happy?" Please don't ask any more questions I don't want to show any more information about my ability. He nodded. "That's good, thank you for the information." He said and closed his eyes.


Time skip brought to you by
(Y/N)-chan washing her face with holy water after reading all of the Twilight series books.

(Y/N): Harry Potter is still better.

I was in front of the classroom door waiting for my name to be called.

"Ms. (L/N) please come in" There's my cue. I opened the door and stood in front of the classroom. I bowed and introduced my self.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N) hope we all get along," I said formally. The teacher pointed to my seat. I quickly sat on it and pulled out my notebook and began writing what's written on the blackboard. The others look at me in shock. Seeing me write at an abnormal speed. I finished writing. I put my hand up. "You can proceed with the lesson now teacher," I said. The teacher slowly nodded and began her lesson.


Time skip brought to you by (Y/N) and Eli

Eli: Hey, be careful with the onions they can make you cry.


(Y/N): *Stabs the onion*

When the lessons are over and lunchtime started Honoka immediately stood up and ran to me and bear-hugged me.

"Your fight with the robots earlier was so cool! You gotta teach me how to run at the walls!" Honoka said hugging me tighter. " Ho- Honoka..." I said.

Otonokizaka Academy (Love Live x Reader) (Superhero AU) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now