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"Alex! What are you doing here, honey?" He waved at the middle-aged woman with his hand

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"Alex! What are you doing here, honey?" He
waved at the middle-aged woman with his hand.

"Hey Ms Smith, is Hayley home?"

"Yeah, she's upstairs, she's studying, but come in"

"Thanks." Alex came inside and took a look at the hall.

In the left of the room, there was a table made of wood which had an small glass bowl on it. On the right, there were two doors that were locked, so he didn't see what was inside of them, and at the end of the hall, there were located the stairs that led to Hayley's room.

As he went upstairs silently, he stared at the family pictures that were hanging on the walls. There were so many, and he didn't want to waste much time, so he just continued walking and thought that he had to return any time soon to analyse those pictures better.

Even though Hayley and him had been going out for months, he hadn't seen her whole house, as he always climbed up her window so her parents didn't find out they were together.

Finally, he got upstairs and stood in front of his girlfriend's room and knocked the door.

"Come in!" she shouted from the inside. Damn, she sounded stressed.

"Hey, babe."Alex opened the door and entered the room.

"Alex! What are you doing here? I asked you not to come, I'm busy." She said and continued revising for the chemistry exam that she was taking the day after.

"I think you should relax a bit, darlin. You've been studying for this like a whole week, you already know everything, you don't need to revise more."

"I need to study more! My whole future depends on this exam. If I fail, I won't have any chance to get into any college. Why aren't you worried about the exam?"

"I honestly don't care. The Monkeys and I are having quite success, and we've even signed a contract to record our first album, so I don't have to worry about university and that stuff."

"That's so great love, but I don't have that brilliant future of yours, so I really need to focus on this."

"Darling, you already know everything, relax a bit, please."

"No, I can't."

"Hayley." He turned the chair where she was sitting, so they both were facing each other. Alex took her face between his big hands, and looked at her in the eyes. "Everything's gonna be fine, I promise. You need to rest and get some sleep so you'll do great in the test tomorrow."

"I'm sorry Al, but I can't do it."

"Let's play a game." He took her hand and sat on her bed. "I will ask you 20 questions about chemicals or whatever you're studying, and if you answer them correctly you'll lay with me in bed, kiss me and then go to sleep. Are you in?" He smiled and she gave up.

"Okay. But if I fail the exam and you and the pals become a world-known band, you'll have to pay for my rent and bills forever."

"I'm down." They both smiled as Alex leaned down to kiss her lips softly.

When he was going to kiss her again, she pulled away and sat on the floor. He bit his lip and took the textbook that was on Hayley's desk.

"So, first question, here it goes. Name the elements on the first column of the periodic table. You have to tell me the name of the element, its symbol and its atomic number."

"Hydrogen, H, 1. Litium, Li, 3. Sodium, Na, 11. Potassium, K, 19. Rubidium, Rb, 37. Caesium, Cs, 55. Francium, Fr, 87."

"Correct. That was an easy one. Next question. Would you rather die burned or drowned?" He laughed, but Hayley frowned."I'm sorry."

"Focus, Turner."

"Alright, alright. Which statement confirms the minimum energy principle which affects the electronic structure of atoms?"

"Electrons fill the levels with less energy first."

"Yeah, that's correct. I don't even know what that means, but it's correct."

After half an hour, Alex finally finished asking his girlfriend the 20 questions. As he finished, he closed the book and threw it to the opposite side of the bedroom.

"20 out of 20, Smith. You're ready, see?"

"Yeah, I guess so." She stood up and walked towards the bed, where Alex was laying. She sat in the corner of the bed, and after smiling at her boyfriend, she laid with him.

"You're going to do great, you know that right?" He said, taking a lock of her hair and placing it behind her ear.

"I hope so. You know, senior year is so stressful". Alex kissed her on the lips gently before she could say anything else.

"Could you please stop talking about school for a second? I know that you have a lot of pressure on you, but can you relax? Do it for me, Hay."

"Okay, I'll try." She kissed him and he did it back. "You know, London College is a good university to go to."

"Shut up and let me kiss you again for God's shake". He interrupted her and kiss her again, this time more intensely. He got on top of her, and ask for permission to deep the kiss. She gave him the permission and they stayed in this position for a couple minutes, until her phone rang.

"Is anything wrong, darling?" Alex asked, laying next to her again.

"No, it's just a notification from Instagram. So, where were we?" she said, trying to imitate the way her boyfriend said this sentence before.

"You know what? You should get some rest. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day, you should get some sleep." He jumped out of bed, not without kissing her girlfriend's cheek.

"Don't go, please." She said, making those puppy eyes she knew he couldn't resist. "Stay".

"You know I can't, love. Your parents are home, and so do mine."

"They won't care. Stay, please. I want you to."

"Okay, I'll text them and tell them I'm staying at Matt's, but you owe me one."

"That's fair, I guess." She smiled and he tilted his head, watching her with the same puppy eyes she gave her minutes before.

After a few more minutes of kissing and cuddling, Alex decided that even though he wasn't tired, it was time to go to sleep. He turned of the lights, took off his shirt and hugged Hayley, her head on his shoulder and his arm touching her hair from behind.

"Goodnight Al, I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled, kissed her forehead and put their heads together, making her smile again.

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