1) Sisters By Chance

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A book two!
Read the first book of 'School For The Unique' if you haven't so.

"Seoyeon, Im Seoyeon! Where are you?!" The eldest shouted for her youngest.
"Just a second, I'm putting my makeup on!"
It's been 15 minutes since she changed, the bus was already coming.
Nayeon didn't want to be late or even wanting to wait for her sister in the first place, she stretched her arm out going up the stairs and into room.
She grabbed her arm and pulled her downstairs.
"I wasn't finished." The girl pushed her hand away.
"The bus is here."
"I can teleport."
"And you promised Mom to do what I say." Nayeon grinned as she guided her sister the bus.

"Here we are again." Seungyeon nudged her little sister.
"You know you don't have to wait for me."
"Yeah but it may be my last, I'm off to college." She gave a hug which Jeongyeon accepted.
The bus was coming up to them.
"Have a nice Year."
"You too." Jeongyeon waved her sister goodbye as she stepped inside the bus.

Momo was rushing her around her house (again), though her mother always is there to help.
"Momo, your back is-."
"Thanks." She kissed her mom on the cheek before rushing out of the door.
"You seem tired, Momo." A girl, Lisa, smiled at her.
"I was trying to find my bag again." She replied out of breath.
"Momo over here." Her two friends waved at her.
"I'll see you later." Lisa sweetly smiled again.

Mina was waiting patiently outside her listening to music.
"Mina!" A girl called for her, but she couldn't hear.
She went up to tap her back.
The silent girl turned around only to discover it was Sana.
"What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to wait with you since I thought I was late and I noticed I was 15 minutes early." She stood next to her.
"Well you made everything better." Mina smiled.
The bus stopped right in front of them.

Jihyo was with her sister Park Seoyeon, they both were ready and early for school. From top to bottom Seoyeon looked like her sister, a top A student.
"I'm so nervous."
"Don't be, I'm always here." Jihyo comforted her by hugging her.
"So... do you think people are going to pester you?" Her sister asked.
"What do you mean?" Jihyo said.
"It's almost been a year since you saved the school and... that's a huge shoes to fill." Seoyeon slightly smiled.
Jihyo noticed that she was a bit overwhelmed.
"Hey, you don't have to save the school to have everyone notice you. You'll do great."
Her sister nodded.
The bus was coming up to their house.
"The bus is here."

Tzuyu and Chaeyoung were waiting outside Dahyun's house.
"This girl, I swear." Chaeyoung was tired of waiting and leant beside Tzuyu.
"I will break into her house and I'm not joking." Tzuyu clenched her fist.
"You never are joking, Tzuyu."
Tzuyu stepped away from Chaeyoung making her trip almost falling to the ground.
"Sorry, I was showering for too long." Dahyun came out of the house with books and folders in her hand.
"Do you need that many supplies?" The tall girl said in disgust.
"You have no idea what will be in store for us." She smiled as the bus pulled up to her house.

It was TWICE's second year, they've had a stress free months after the initial Dark Mask situation.
All the girls are reunited again, all in the same bus.
"I'm still tired." Momo began to yawn.
"Don't yawn you'll make me yaw-." Too late Momo's yawn was passed onto Jeongyeon.
"We must show the younger ones the good things about ourselves." Nayeon said.
"Right, what do you need to know about our school?" Sana asked Nayeon and Jihyo's sister.
"How high is the school, how would this bus get up there?" Park Seoyeon spoke.
"High enough you could almost see space and just brace yourself." Chaeyoung replied, as all of the TWICE members held on for support, the younger sisters began to do what they did.

The bus started to pull up and now they were up in the air. Im Seoyeon and Park Seoyeon, mouth gaped with an astonished expression on their face to not only be in a flying bus, but to see the floating school.
"Does it count that I've been here?" Im Seoyeon asked.
"You only saw the back of the school." Her sister answered.
"Yeah, I now know what is behind the school."
"What is behind the school?" Jihyo's sister asked.
"Nothing but a back door."

The bus safety landed, opening the doors and letting out the students.
"New students go to the Assembly Hall, the teachers will guide you." One of the teachers announced.
"I guess I'll see you freshmen around." Nayeon teased her sister.
"Just don't get sad when I'm popular than you." She flicked her hair in a sassy way and winked at her.
Nayeon felt offended and started to turn her fist in a ball.
"I really like your sister, she reminds me of m-."
"You, I know Tzuyu, I know." The angry girl held up a hand as she interrupted Tzuyu.

"Be safe."
"I will just I don't want you to save the world without me." Park Seoyeon smiled at her sister.
Jihyo gave a hug, both freshmen girls walked off together, only a matter of time till they will meet new people.
"Let's go to our Home Room."
The girls walked into their Home Room still sitting in the same seats together, during their way a lot of people admired them.
"Those are the ones who saved our school."
"She's the one who is in the legends."
They all stepped out of their way, letting the Protectors Of The School pass by.

"We're famous." Nayeon smiled.
"The word you're looking for is Heroes." Jeongyeon spoke.
"Don't play with her feelings. She wants to be a star." Sana joked, getting a side eye from Nayeon.
"I kind of miss this." Momo breathed, taking it all in.
"Surprising, I remember you on the last day of Summer you said you hated school." Mina recalled, her arms crossed her chest.
"Don't ruin the moment for her." Sana said, they watched as Momo was still taking it in.
"It's the first day, she'll whin through out the day." Dahyun joined in.
The teacher came in.
"Alright class, new year means a new start."

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