2) Exercise Practice

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The school day went fast and it was already lunch. The cafeteria were surrounded by Freshmen, but it was large so it could hold the whole school.
"Hey you two." Jihyo waved at the two girls they knew.
"Hi Jihyo."
"Hey sis."
"How's your school day?"
"Fine, but my legs hurt from sitting all day." Park Seoyeon rubbed her leg.

"Guys over here!" Jeongyeon shouted, they walked over to the group.
"This is Christopher, he's a fan of us." Tzuyu smiled as she introduced him.
"Hi, my real name is Christopher Bang, but you can call me Bang Chan." He bowed and shook their hand vigorously.
"He's the kid in our class." Nayeon's sister spoke.
"We met accidentally when he ran into me." Jihyo's sister giggled.
"You're in the same class?" Chaeyoung asked.
"Yeah, me and Seoyeon are even in the same room, but we don't know who's the girl with us."

"I have to go to my piano lessons." Dahyun picked up her bag.
"Have fun."
The girls went to get their food, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu noticed something.
"Hey." A girl went up to Momo tapping on her back.
"Oh, Lisa I didn't see you there." The girl smiled.
Lisa was Momo's dance partner, the both of them were passionate dancers. Everyone in their dance class calls them the 'Superior Duo', only because they always danced together.

"I was wondering, do you want to hang out after school?" Lisa asked a she smiled.
"I'll meet you at the bus, then." She walked off to his group of friends.
Both Chaeyoung and Tzuyu smirked at each other.
"Who was that?" Chaeyoung asked still keeping that expression on her face.
"It was a friend I met in dance class." She replied.
"Are you sure, you're not 'more' than friends?" Tzuyu nudged her arm.
"Are you joking with me, I don't have feelings for her, but please don't tell Dahyun." Momo begged them.
The two girls promised to keep it a secret, though she didn't say they could stalk them.
It was Abilities class, they were outside on the field which was turned into an obstacle course.
"Welcome back class to your 2nd year, now get into a group of 3." Me Yeon announced.
As predicted Twice split into 3 groups:
Jihyo, Jeongyeon and Nayeon.
Momo, Sana and Mina.
Lastly, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu.

"All teams will fight each other, the team who stays on the designated mark on top of the hill for 50 seconds will win. However, if your whole team is not up there it will not be counted. The winners will not get homework."

"You don't even give out homework." Dahyun spoke.
"Exactly." Mr Yeon chuckled.
There was a slight groan from the crowd.
"What hill?" A student asked.
Suddenly the ground shook vigorously, a bump from the ground turned to a massive hill that was as half as tall as the school.
"I assume that hill." Nayeon spoke.
"Alright, first people to fight against each other. Jihyo's team, Momo's team and Dahyun's team." Mr Yeon announced.

The girls found it amusing. They wanted to see which team was better or which had the better teamwork.
"Hope you guys are ready to lose." Chaeyoung smirked.
"Not unless we get there first." Sana pushed Chaeyoung away.
"Remember, this is just an exercise of trust and teamwork." Jihyo spoke.

Each team went to their designated spot, ready to face the challenges that their friends will do.
The countdown started.
"On your marks..."
"Get set..."
As the announcer blew the horn each of the girls, except for Momo's team, fell unexpectedly.
"What the—?" Jeongyeon looked down at her shoes and noticed it was tied up to Nayeon's shoes and Jihyo's.

Same goes with Dahyun's team.
"Momo!" Dahyun shouted.
"That cheat!" Tzuyu growled as she pulled her shoelaces apart from her teammates, freeing them.
The three ran towards the top where Momo's team were already up there— they already scored 6 seconds from 50.

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