14) Evil Comes

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Sitting there, clueless with their own plans. It wasn't hectic, a lot of panicking, but they had to pull through. They're the only ones to save their world again.

"What are we going to do?" Sana sighed.
"We have to stop him before he uses the sphere?" Jihyo said.
"What if he doesn't have the sphere?" Nayeon asked.
"As he called himself the Mastermind, he probably has it by now." Jihyo replied.
"That's fine, we can still stop him." Chaeyoung said optimistically.
"Then where is he?" Tzuyu asked.
Chaeyoung looked down and shook her head.
"Great, we have no leads." Momo clenched her fist in anger, she started to pace around the room.
"There has to be something." Mina stared blankly at a wall as she folded her arms.

Whilst the others were talking, Jihyo stood up and left the group for a while.
There was a bookcase near the the front door, to keep her mind off the current situation she skim read all of the titles and stopping at one particular book.
She took it out of the shelf and it read:

The Beyond

It stuck out to her, the beyond?
She heard that before. She was there.

"That's one of my favourite books." Somi said as she walked towards Jihyo.
"You know about the beyond?" Jihyo asked.
"Not really but this author came up with this idea with a place that cannot be reach with our human formation but through our minds. Apparently the only way to get there is through the sphere since the power from it could transport people to the beyond." Somi explained.

"But I don't think it's entirely true... unless you've been there. You're the one who consumed the power of the sphere, have you experienced anything?" Somi jumped in almost pressuring her.
Jihyo shook her head slowly.
"Damn, maybe this isn't real then. Thank you so much 'Lee Seungmin'." Somi took the book and threw it in the bin.

Jihyo was caught off-guard and took the book out of the bin.
"Can I take it instead?"
"Oh. Sure of course." Somi smiled.
"So... who's Lee Seungmin?" She asked as she cradled the book in her arms.
"He's a famous author for coming up ideas of places he thought to be real, he is popular amongst our kind. He first published a book in 1997 called 'The Sphere' which talked about what the power holds within it and how it was passed down. It was interesting, but no one believed though some did." She continued, "And this book was the last release in 2000."

"What happened to him?"
"He was killed by an Outlaw in 2001, it was a shame."
Jihyo nodded and returned to the group when suddenly... one of the members stopped and went silent.
"What is it Momo?" Chaeyoung looked as Momo held up her hand up to her ear.
"Do you hear that?"
"Hear what, I don't hear anything." Somi said.
Mina peered though the blinds, "Her hearing is very sensitive, something must be close."

A quiet step was heard as the pace was steady and calm, Mina saw a glimpse of a figure that was walking towards them. It was clear to see who it was.
The pale girl stood in the open field her posture looking somewhat odd.
"Hold up... something's wrong." Chaeyoung spoke, but Momo opened the door.
Yet the girl didn't move nor did she look at her.

"Momo..." Jeongyeon came behind her and they all saw Dahyun raise her hand and pointed towards the house.
She reeled back, her hand forming an ice ball before she smirked.
"Close the door now!" Sana shouted as Dahyun released her hand and threw it straight at Momo and just in time Jeongyeon pulled her back with the door closed.
The ice surrounded the front of the house, unable to see through the windows.

"Dammit!" Jihyo cursed.
"W-What's happening with her?" Momo stuttered.
"She's definitely not herself." Chaeyoung said.
Then, another shot hit the house, it was now covered in ice. They all started to shake, Sana tried to make the room warmer.
"What are we going to do?" Tzuyu asked.
"We have to capture her. No one harm her that much." Jihyo said and just then the front door was blasted open.
Dahyun was standing in the doorway and smiled as she froze the opening.
"The back door!" Somi shouted and turned the handle, but it was frozen shut.
"I'll handle it, buy me some time." Nayeon nodded and tried to kick the door down.

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