9) Just As Heroes

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The girls were happy to see Mr Cho again, this they were certain for a dangerous job. They believed they could fend for themselves, the title 'Protectors of the School' was not for nothing.
"I need to be honest, but this may involve a lot of work and danger." He said.
The girls nodded their head vigorously, they were ready.
"It's you choice and I fully accept if you don't accept." He continued, and the girls kept nodding their heads.
"Do you want to be a hero trainee?" He asked.

They became silent, then a burst of cheers came before them.
"We certainly will!" Jihyo exclaimed.
"None of you want to withdraw?"
"Of course not, we're happy to be heroes." Nayeon smiled.
Mr Cho approved, "Alright, every week Mr Yeon will train you after school and other times I'll send you off, as a team, to scout locations."
They nodded their heads simultaneously.

"Good, now I want you to scout out a warehouse." Mr Cho placed a photograph and the address in front of them.
"I need you to find some clues of any suspicious activity."
"What happened?" Dahyun asked.
"Someone has been stealing a lot of scraps from cars and infrastructure. This is where we last saw the culprit, but they were gone. It's your job to find anymore clues." He explained.
"We'll do our best, sir!" Momo stood up straight.
"That's what I like to hear. Mr Yeon is waiting outside in a van to take you all there and to keep an eye on you."

He dismissed them. TWICE exited the room all kept in their excitement until they were outside.
"Yes yes yes!" Jeongyeon shouted.
"TWICE back it again!" Tzuyu wooed.
"That name is kinda growing on me." Sana said.
They reached where Mr Yeon was waiting for them in the van.
"So you all accepted I see." He smiled, "Come on board."
They climbed in, fitting all of them. The van started to drive, he clicked a button making the outside invisible even to the naked eye.
They started to ascend into the air.
They arrived at their destination. Form the outside, it was an abandoned warehouse which was apparently rented and due for a renovation.
"Take you time and be careful." Mr Yeon stated before they went in.
It was empty as they expected it to be, it was very spacious and had a second level. They decided to split up.
Mina, Jeongyeon, Sana and Dahyun agreed to check upstairs whilst Chaeyoung, Tzuyu, Jihyo, Nayeon and Momo stayed downstairs.

For a good 10 minutes, they had barely found any evidence, just some piles of trash and empty drawers.
"Did you find anything?" Jihyo asked.
"Nothing." Sana replied.
"Even with my abilities I couldn't see anything." Mina said, but then stopped in her movement.
"Let's report back." Chaeyoung started to move towards the door.
"Stop..." Mina grabbed her shoulder, "I hear something."

They all froze, but couldn't hear anything apart from their breathing.
"What is it?" Nayeon asked.
"It's... a high pitched sound... someone else is here."
They all gathered in a circle, if someone was here they had to get ready for what they're planning for.
"Do you know where it's coming from?" Momo said.
"It's gone, now there's sounds of fluttering." Mina closed her eyes.
"Fluttering, like butterflies?" Dahyun hoped.
"No, it sounds like bats."

A hoard of bats suddenly crashed into the warehouse through the windows. But they didn't look like ordinary bats, but mechanical and metal.
It pestered them around, their sharp edges cut their skin.
"Dammit!" Jeongyeon created an electrical force field around her friends, but the mechanical bats tried to power through.
"What do we do?" Sana questioned.
"You can still use your abilities, it would go right through the force field." Jeongyeon struggled, but kept her composure.

Dahyun and Chaeyoung threw their projectiles in the air, trying to shoot them down. Sana raised a part of the floor and crushed some of the flying bats, Jihyo tried to crush with her telekinesis.
Although it worked, there were still more.
"What do we do now?" Tzuyu panicked.
"I'll try..." Jeongyeon said, "You just have to duck down."
They did what she said as they waited for her.
Jeongyeon gathered all her energy and unleashed the forcefield onto the mechanical bats, each one short-circuited and fell hard on the floor.

"Woah, that's cool." Nayeon smiled.
Unfortunately, it didn't get all. One mechanical bat was still active. Fortunately, Tzuyu released her anger and punched it straight to a wall, crushing it into little pieces.
"You little gits!" Tzuyu shouted.
"It's okay, they're not moving anymore." Sana placed her hand on hers and calmed her down.
Mr Yeon came running in, "Are you all okay?"
"Yes sir, we just had a small problem." Jihyo answered.
"I just saw an electrical current surround the warehouse."
"Did you see where these bats came from, sir?" Momo asked.
He shook his head, "But from that shattered window, someone must have commanded them."

"Is this where all the metal was used for?" Dahyun questioned.
"Could be, I mean someone must be good at design to make all of these." Mr Yeon replied and looked at the girls' state. They were a covered in cuts.
"You girls go back to the van, I'll search the back."
They followed his orders and went back into the van.
Mr Yeon headed to the back to check any more signs.

It wasn't obvious, but someone was watching them. They were sly enough to hide away and not get caught.
"So they are strong as a team... what if I just pick one..."

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