13) Invasion

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Everything was set aside. The Mastermind he called himself. The reason was through his experience and educated self, after all his life, Cha U-jeong, his name would be the one to turn all his dreams into reality.

The first time he came up with the serum that would hopefully cure all diseases. He tried it on his friend, not knowing it would put him into a state of vulnerability. U-jeong was able to command his own friend, he reversed the effects and soon after he started to think of all the possibilities he could face. Over time, it gradually came to him that he could control anyone he wanted. After he graduated, he started to work on a machine that was able to switch any supernatural's abilities with another; surprisingly it worked the first time. This also meant that he could transfer the abilities to non-supernaturals, those born without abilities. Plus, he would be able to transfer the energy into a containment field which would hold the powers. But after all the people he had asked, none of them accepted to give their own abilities up.

Except on the news. When nine girls saved their one school. One of them, Park Jihyo, had been discovered to be the wielder of the sphere. Yes, the sphere was powerful, he wanted that power cause he believed that he earned it, the Mastermind of the world. The sphere was his top priority now, he had to get to distract those girls, or better yet, get rid of them overall. His plan to switch their abilities was part of it. However, capturing one of their friend wasn't planned, but he thought of it quickly. That would bring him more time to steal the sphere, for months he knew where the sphere was.
He was trusted within the hideout, but none one expected a well-educated adult to steal the sphere, turning him into the Mastermind.

Cha U-jeong (The Mastermind), Seungyeon, Park Seoyeon and Im Seoyeon stood afar from Mr Cho's house. U-jeong looked at the three who stood respectfully in front of him.
"Get the sphere and do whatever is necessary." He smirked as he threw a device near the house. That device suppresses any sound within its radius, preventing any noise to be heard. Perfect for a getaway.
"Here's what's in the house, and this is where it's kept." He showed the picture of the room and a small safe in the back of the room. U-jeong planned it out, a trusted friend, like him, was able to see the sphere with Mr Cho and other friends.
"Find the code and bring it back to me."
The girls held each other's hand as Im Seoyeon teleported inside.
Mr Cho heard a thump downstairs, figuring it would be his own hearing that fooled him, but he sensed danger lurking beyond the stairs. He put his ears on the floorboard and heard a few footsteps.
'A robbery?' He thought.
He crawled to his bed and lifted the mattress which underneath it was a taser, it was for defence. As a person with abilities, it was hard to conceal it from normal human beings.

He crept downstairs and started to her more movement, papers scuttled everywhere, objects hit the floor hard. These burglars weren't careful nor where they skilled.
Mr Cho peeked at a corner seeing them in the back room. He saw a person with long hair in which he thought it was familiar, as they turned around. He noticed that it was his former student/student council leader, Yoo Seungyeon.

He was very shocked, but he still kept his composure, stepping out of his place and pointing the taser up to the girl.
"Stop what you are doing." He growled, shifting his eyes between the three people.
They stopped and stared, slowly they back away. Only then, Mr Cho noticed the smirk of their faces as one of them disappeared in a blink of an eye.

An unexpected swift kick came behind him, stumbling him onto the ground. He blocked her next attack and got up to his feet, his left hand was empty. The stun gun slid away as he fell, he didn't want to hurt the girls. He was a helper after all, a healer, the thought of harming them was too unbearable. He could only block and and forcefully make a force field.

"I don't know what you girls are doing, but you have to stop." He said.
Seungyeon smirked, her eyes pierced through him. The green glow make him uncomfortable, they weren't themselves.
"You have to understand, you're being controlled." He spoke, but none seemed to listen.
His options were running out, but it gave him time to locate his only weapon. The stun gun which was placed under a wooden table.

Any sudden movements he would be attacked. He kept an eye on Seungyeon and slowly sidestepped on his right.
"We settle this differently." He raised both his hands.
A little more further.
"Let's not get too hasty." He sighed, knowingly that one shot will incapacitate one of them.
In an instant, he ducked his head and dived head forward towards his stun gun. He pointed it straight at one of the girls, they all froze and stood back.

Yet, something kept him from pulling the trigger. It was so close, he was just there. He could have gotten an advantage, but as his eyes locked in place with Park Seoyeon, everything in his world stopped as he was taken back years ago. The floor beneath him swayed back and forth, the memories came back to him. Lonely and troubled, that's what his mind became him to be.

He muttered the name, "Park Seoyeon" before he was knocked out by a swift kick.
The three girls entered the room again, they all stood near by a desk all neatly tidied. Just a single family portrait stood lonely. A woman and a man and their three young children.
Im Seoyeon, without any hesitation, broke it onto the floor. There lied the code behind the photo.


They had the code, it was time to steal the sphere.

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