15) Back To Normal

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All seemed calm, the girls were in the basement of Somi's house. It was the only part where nothing was untouched, there she had science equipment useful for a reverse effect. This was the only way Dahyun will go back to normal.
Somi went to work straight away gathering all the ingredients from her station as the others sat besides Dahyun, who was tied up in an indestructible rope made for supernaturals, they kept an eye on her.

"So what was wrong with her?" Nayeon asked.
Somi kept working, "Her eyes were green, that
means she was being controlled."
"Explains why our sisters were trying to kill us." Sana said.
Another minute passed, Somi was even closer to finish her antidote.
Just then, Momo heard a vehicle pulled up from the outside as well as a bunch of people talking.
"Uh, there's people outside." She spoke.
Chaeyoung crept up the stairs with Momo behind her, they peered through the basement door, even though the windows were frozen they saw figures.

"What are they saying?" Chaeyoung asked.
Momo closed her eyes and listened carefully, "They're talking about... noises and claiming that residents heard supernaturals fighting with each other." Momo paused, "Dammit, they're from the news."
Chaeyoung headed downstairs, "The news is here and they heard us fight."
"We're screwed." Mina mumbled.
Momo came back down, "Police are here as well."
"Okay, it's fine. We just need to drive them away." Jeongyeon said.

They thought, Jihyo had an idea.
"What if, Chaeyoung takes Momo into the woods and Momo shapes shifts into an animal and scares them away."
"That's a good idea." Nayeon smiled.
"Right, but they do have cameras." Chaeyoung mentioned.
"Then destroy it." Jihyo turned to Momo.
"Hey hey hey, if anyone is doing the destroying. It should be me." Nayeon butted in.
"Fine, but you get what's left of it."

The plan was set. Momo hopped onto Chaeyoung's back,they got up to the stairwell and Chaeyoung ran through the back door and went around the outside towards the woods.
As for the other members, they sat crouched down in the living room of the house waiting.
The two girls got into the woods, concealed by all of the trees, Momo jumped off from Chaeyoung's back.
"Alright what animal are you going to be?" Chaeyoung turned around as her friend turned into a large brown bear.
"That's good enough." Chaeyoung hid behind a tree as she watched her bear friend casually walking towards the people.

"Are we live?" The head reporter asked.
Behind her was the frosted house that was shattered at the side. Police were by her side unable to go within a few metres of the house as protocol was taken.
"Everything is set." The cameraman nodded.
But as the reporter was about to speak, she froze as her eyes drifted over to the humongous bear travelling towards them.
"RUN! BEAR!" One of the police officers screamed as they scuttled into their cars.
The camera crew dropped every equipment expected the main camera.
Momo ran towards the one who held the camera, she swiped her paws making it drop to the floor, scattering metal pieces everywhere.

"Let's get out of here!"
They all ran to their cars and drove off in a hurry.
Chaeyoung came out of hiding, "It's safe now!" She shouted to the others.
They all came outside to see the cameras that had been destroyed. Nayeon picked up the main camera and pulled it apart from each end like a satisfying rip from paper.
"Destroying things is fun." Nayeon turned to Tzuyu with a manic smile.
"I know, too bad you won't have it after this." Tzuyu chuckled.
"Let's go back in, Somi finished the antidote." Jihyo instructed as they all came back.

There, Somi had a clean syringe with a red liquid within it.
"Are you sure this will work?" Jeongyeon asked in concern.
"I'm sure, trust me." Somi carefully placed the needle in Dahyun's forearm, injecting the red liquid.
"Now we wait for her to wake up."
And so they waited, it took her a few minutes to become conscious. Dahyun slowly lifted her head as her eyes opened with a blurry field of vision over her friends.
Her eyes weren't green anymore, but brown. She was back to her own self.

"Hey... can you hear me?" Momo kneeled next to her.
Dahyun gradually nodded her head trying to keep her eyes steady.
"W-What happened?"
"You were being controlled, but don't worry you're fine now." Tzuyu said.
Somi untied the ropes and they all gathered in a circle. They told Dahyun everything that happened not going into detail about the recent fight. Dahyun told them what she remembered before she was controlled.
"We should devise a plan." Sana suggested.
"Right. We need find and save our sisters." Nayeon spoke.
"I'll make some more antidotes." Somi continued with her work.

Whilst they were planning, Momo noticed that Dahyun was sitting afar from the group, her body shrank into a ball. She knew from her posture she was trembling in fear. She sat near her and wrapped her arm around her shoulder.
"It's okay, nothing bad happened." She said softly.
"But what if it did? I wouldn't have lived with myself if I hurt anyone of you." Dahyun began to sob.
"It wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself, okay? Don't worry." Momo reassured her, maybe that was the reason why Dahyun felt at peace in that moment. Someone, her girlfriend, was near her comforting her every step. Dahyun had no choice but to listen to what she was ordered, she could have killed them... no... would have killed them... but she was saved.
Yet, the thought of destroying her team was enough to make her terrified.

"Let's go back to the same warehouse. He must've used it recently." Jihyo spoke.

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