12) Switched Powers

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"I'm 100% sure it worked."

"JIHYO!" Nayeon shook the girl awake.
Jihyo jolted up quickly and instantly knew she wasn't at their school.
"Where are we?"
"Somewhere that we have no idea." Nayeon went to the others girls and started to wake them up.
With sure luck, no of them were harmed or injured in some way.

"Now everyone's up, anyone know where we are?" Nayeon asked them.
"We're in a field." Momo pointed out.
"I meant specifically!"
There were stranded in a green grass field, only  a woods stands on the opposite of them. A few cows and horses could be heard in the distance, but nothing that could be of use.

"Is there a farm or a house we can knock on?" Sana asked.
"Have you seen Dahyun?" Chaeyoung looked around, they were missing one person.
"He must of took Dahyun in that aircraft." Jeongyeon said.
"Surprising he didn't take us." Tzuyu added.
"Mina, can you see if anything is around." Jihyo ordered her.

Mina nodded and tried to turn into a bird.
Like now.
Maybe now...
"Mina, what's wrong?"
"I can't seem to turn." She shook her head.
"Maybe you're not trying." Chaeyoung said.
"I am!" Mina stomped her feet and an electric pulse came from the ground.

"D-Did electricity just came from you?" Jeongyeon stuttered as she was amazed.
"I-I don't know."
"Electricity? How is that possible?" Sana was in shock.
Jeongyeon held her hand up to the tree and focused her energy, nothing came out.
"My ability isn't working."
"No it is." Jihyo's voice came from above. "It's just that you have mine."
She slowly lowered her to the ground.

"Does this mean all our powers are swapped?" Momo inquired.
Suddenly a loud scream came from Sana, her hand glowing with red hot fire.
"HELP!" She started to run whilst trying to put out the fire.
"Sana you have my ability!" Chaeyoung ran to her almost in an instant. Somehow she couldn't control her feet and started to lose control and tripping the two on the ground.

"Chaeyoung, that's my girl!" Tzuyu shouted as she pointed, then noticing her arm stretched as far as a snake, pulling Chaeyoung off of Sana.
"Hey, that's mine!" Nayeon shouted.
"What is this?"
They looked at Momo who's arms became wings.
"You're shape shifting." Jihyo spoke.
"Which one said that?" She looked confused.
"What do you mean?" Jihyo looked behind her and there was another Jihyo and another and another.

"Then does it mean I have—." Nayeon looked at her hand before punching straight to the ground causing the whole land to shake as everyone lost their balance.

They gathered around.
"So let me get this straight, he switched all our abilities." Jihyo began,
"Mina has electricity, Momo has shape shifting, Sana has fire manipulation, Chaeyoung has super speed, Tzuyu has elasticity, Jeongyeon has telekinesis, Nayeon has super strength and I have duplication and geokinesis."

"In other words:
Mina has Jeongyeon's,
Momo has Mina's,
Sana has mine,
I have Momo's,
Tzuyu has Nayeon's,
Nayeon has Tzuyu's,
Jeongyeon has Jihyo's,
Jihyo has Sana's." Chaeyoung explained.

"Ugh... I get Nayeon's ability." Tzuyu groaned.
"What's wrong with elasticity?"
"There's nothing wrong with it, it's that I got yours."
The others laughed.
"You know for the youngest you are very hurtful." Nayeon frowned.
Dahyun woke up in a dark room, tied up in a chair. She struggled and tried to use her ability, but there was no use.
"Don't even try to use your powers." A voice in the darkness spoke.
The lights turned on, revealing Jeongyeon, Nayeon and Jihyo's sisters. Also revealing The Mastermind
"What do you want?!" She growled.
"You know what I want, that sphere. Where is it?"

"First of all, where are my friends?" Dahyun struggled.
"Don't worry about them, they're long gone."
"You're a liar, you know where they are!" Her voice grew louder.
"If you tell me where the sphere is, I'll tell you where they are."
Dahyun just chuckled, "I'll never tell you."
"I believe you." She suddenly felt a needle inject into her neck.

"You three, find out where the sphere is." He demanded the three girls.
"And you. You will destroy TWICE... You will destroy your friends."
Dahyun's eyes turned from black to green.
"Have you seen anything?" Nayeon shouted at Momo who turned into a bird, hovering above the woods. She floated down transforming into herself.
"Nothing, but woods I see."
"Let's hope that Chaeyoung saw something." Jihyo sighed.
A sudden wind hit them as they saw the short girl trip over herself.
"Did you see anything?" Mina asked.
"There's a house, not far away from here." Chaeyoung pushed herself upright.

A few minutes later, they saw the house Chaeyoung saw. It wasn't a big house, but it was the only thing that they saw in this deserted place.
"Nayeon you go and knock." Jeongyeon pushed her forwards.
"Why me?"
"You have the strength, you can punch them through the roof if they are a psychopath." Tzuyu chuckled.

Nayeon rolled her eyes and stepped forward, she knocked twice as they all braced themselves.
The door opened slightly, only a small voice answered.
"Hi, sorry to disturb you, but we're lost and want to ask where is this place?" Nayeon asked whilst smiling.
The door open widely revealing a girl who looked young.

"You guys are Twice, right?" The girl smiled.
"Yes, are you a super?" Sana asked.
One girl pushed through to the front.
"Wait, you're Jeon Somi." Jihyo said.
"Park Jihyo?"
"You know her?" Tzuyu asked Jihyo.
"She was Seoyeon's childhood friend." She answered.

Somi let them in and locked the door.
"Where are your parents?" Mina questioned.
"They're having their night out." Somi rolled her eyes.
They all sat on around the living room, whilst Somi gave out drinks to the girls.
"Since your have abilities, what are they?" They asked.
"My ability is alchemy, I was working on a potion, but an unexpected earthquake made it all break."
TWICE looked over to Nayeon who avoided their glaring eyes.

"But you're not in our school, I haven't seen you around." Jeongyeon inquired.
"My parents didn't allow me to go to that school, they said they wanted me to be a normal student in a normal human school." She explained.
"Don't you feel that maybe it'll be better up there?" Chaeyoung joined in.
"I always wanted to meet new people who were just like me, but my parents said that it's too dangerous."

"I guess so, since our school has been invaded again." Momo spoke.
"What do you mean?" Somi felt anxious.
"Three of our sisters have been brain washed by a villain." Jihyo mentioned.
"Seoyeon is in danger?!"
"Soon the whole world will."

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