Chapter 2- Iced Americano for the Heat

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Lisa collected all the dirty dishes and separated those food that could be eaten by her owners dogs and cats while throwing the plastics and any rubbish that could not be used and washed the plates in the basin with a running water and a soothing lemon dish washing soap that enveloped her senses, making her feel at ease after hours of hardwork. She reminded herself that after 6 pm, she needed to go to her other part-time job so she had to hurry up.

Yestreday after the interview was done, she and her boss had talked a lot of interesting things from the basebal player thy both adore or the music taste they had in common. He even jokes to her about most things and making her laughed a lot that she almost had a tears on her eyes, while everyone turned to looked at them. Sadly, he needed to go back to Seoul after 5 pm so she just stayed with Jisoo until 6. They talked about a lot of things they haven't talked since it was already been 3 months when they have seen each other. After that, Lisa fetched Lily from Aunt Yuna and she was already been asleep when she put her to bed.

Today was her first day at her part-time job, and already asked Jungkook yesterday if she could bring her daughter with her since she was a mostly well-behaving child. The man immediately agreed with a smile painted on his face as he nodded his head gently that almost made her heart melt. Especially of the way his chocolate brown eyes seemed very glossy and dilated than usual as he showed her his pearly teeth and his infamous bunny smile.

Tempering those details in her head made her smile as she Lisa glanced at her waterproof watch and saw only an hour from now, she would be on her new job. She snickered at the thought because she was finally working at something close to her profession and to her heart.

Ah, she also missed the feeling of sipping coffee in hot weather with everything being enveloped by the aroma of coffee and the picture toque scenery of a garden in front of them. She used to do it during college days with her beau.

Lisa shook her thoughts out of her head when she started remembering the good times she had with him. Despite the enveloping dull pain in her chest, she couldn't deny the fact that once in her life, she also exchange promise of love with another person and had once lived with him like an obeying girlfriend she was. However, everything changed because those lovely lingering feelings in her veins were wiped out entirely as the separation took place and she suddenly found herself all alone in this prying world of uncertainties.

Lisa just turned focused back on washing the dishes as another tear fell into her eyes and in the effort of removing herself from the past, she must now faced her reality. Reality that in front of her were pile of unwashed dishes, the piling bills she had to pay, and to save up money for Lily's education fees.

Dara Sajangnim noticed that Lisa was a little quieter today and seemed so lost in her thoughts that she almost broke the glass while she was washing the dishes.

She asked her if she was okay which she obviously responded that she was, but never really asked her as to why she was feeling down. Se only hoped it was just because she was tired as she heard Lisa growled in pain while stretching her back.

She wished that Lisa could have worked on one of her son's coffee shops instead but it was already too late to ask as she was already been accepted to another coffee shop.

"Lisa, it's fine, I'll finish washing the dishes just clean the store and wipe away those mess on the table then you can go. I don't want you to be late on your first day."

Lisa looked at her smiling then reciprocated her boss gesture as she bowed down her head before proceeding to get the mop and and cleaning other utensils. Dara watched as she turned her back at her at started cleaning while playing a tune with her whistle. This was the first time she saw her smile genuinely.

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