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"Junghwan ! Fucking gave me the key to the game room you p*ice of sh--- "

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"Junghwan ! Fucking gave me the key to the game room you p*ice of sh--- "

"Psst! Lily!"

Lisa called out her eldest daughter's named as she lunge forward in front of her younger brother, Junghwan, as she was going to choke him to death.

"Eomma! Junghwan here took the key to my game room when I already gave him all my old xbox and he told me that the games there were so boring. You know how I love gaming and you know how careless Jungie was. He even broke my keyboard last month so I am not allowing him on my game room ever!!"

Lily responded with rage on her eyes for her little brother who had been mischievous since they were child. Lily was now on her first year college while Junghwan was still in middle school.

Although they had been closed since they were young, however, ever since both of them had turned teenagers and those rebellious hormones kicked up in a high gear, they had been fighting non stop.

"But eomma! Noona here had take my jackets and my pants without informing me! I am just taking a revenge! How could a sister wore such boyish clothes? And she didn't even washed it! She also promised and told me that I could used her game room and now she was giving such a fuss. "

Junghwan, Jungkook's first born child, was a smart kid but very clever and mischievous. He often broke things around the house due to his silliness and clumsiness. He seemed to have gotten this kind of behaviour from his uncle Joon who was necknamed God of destruction inside Jungkook's home  so Lisa totally understand where Lily's sentiments coming from.

However, Lily did a mistake also from promising her brother her PC gaming room for an exchange of his clothes. Lily always does that as she was indeed Lisa's doppelgänger in the way she walked and the way she wore a clothes. She was very much like Lisa when she was still growing up.

"Lily, you're the oldest sibling. You should fulfill whatever promise you had told to Jungie, and you Jungie, if you broke your sister's keyboard again, I am cutting your allowance to pay off for that. You never really learned how to take good care of things sometimes. We're not like Uncle Tae and auntie Jennie that has all the money in the world to pay off for everything. We were just in the middle so don't take advantages of whatever we had for now. Our resources was still pretty much limited."

Both Lily and Junghwan bowed down their heads whenever their mom started lecturing them. They knew too well that if they won't listen, she started going all the way back in the past and she may stop lecturing them when the sun already came down. Junghwan were itching to play the new console game that came out just a week ago and Lily was itching to visit her friend, so they both know that they needed to listen to their mom once so she could freely let them go and do whatever they wanted. A very typical mom behavior indeed.

Ever since Lisa wedded Jungkook, despite his coffee shop being an instant hint in the social media and worldwide, she never failed to always taught their children that money was not everything because one day, it'll be gone and there would be nothing left but grass to eat and dirt on the ground, if that time came, how will her children survived if all the things they are were high end and all the things they knew were just expensive things that we would never bring afterlife?

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