Chapter 8 - The truth told

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"It's nice to see you again, Lily's Appa

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"It's nice to see you again, Lily's Appa."

Jungkook just watched as Lisa approached the familiar guy on his car window.

He clenched his fist and his jaw tightened as he stomped his feet on the pedal, almost crushing himself in the process as he bounced after he step the break. His eyes were dark as his pursed his lips and he decided that he needed to give them some space.

He starts moving his car, and with a heavy heart, he left the place.

On the other hand, tae'a jaw almost fell in to the ground as his face went pale and his sweat turned cold by the revelation Lisa had told him. He looked at the little girl who were holding her hands, and only then did he finally noticed the uncanny resemblance of him to the little girl and how he and Lisa's face mix well together. When he met him on the bathroom. He thought he was just a doppelgänger of her but then the more he thought about it, the more it became plausible that she was his daughter from his eyes to the shape of her face and to her boxy smile. How idiot he was to not even noticed that?

Taehyung would admit that Lily did looked like a mix of hers and his feature. And so he sighed really deep as he calmed himself from the truth he had just witness.

Lisa gestured him to sit on the bench outside while Lily just gazed back at him.

"So, it was her."

Taehyung started to speak after sometime of a shock on his system. He also used that to break the silence. Lisa just nodded at him. She was still adjusting to his presence especially that it had been 5 years since they last met.

Lisa knew that a lot of things had changed. She wanted to speak to him first. Ask him how was he and what was going on with his family's business. How was his life without her? And about his fiancé. She wanted to ask if she was treating him right. Being with him during his panic attacks as Lisa knew how Taehyung tremble in fear whenever he was in a tight space like elevator or a tight closet. Even make up room if he was left there alone.

However, nothing was coming out of her mouth. Tae noticed that she she  went stiffed in front of him so he took the initiative to asked her first as he was also curious about what was going on with her life, and probably explained his side of what had happened five years ago.

"How are you, Lali?"

Lisa was taken back by Taehyung's questioned though she expected him to ask sooner or later.

"I'm just doing fine."

Lisa could only just say.

Taehyung blew a deep sigh. He wanted to hug her right then and now but he knows it would be awkward since it has been a long time since they had spoken and touched each other. Plus it would be awkward if they started being touchy with each other.

He missed her though. So much that he wanted to punch himself for being an idiot and living her to fend for himself with his daughter. He looked at the child beside him and was on Lisa's lap. She was falling asleep.

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