Chapter 18 Death threats

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Lisa woke up as she felt sore all over her body

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Lisa woke up as she felt sore all over her body. She felt good and satisfied when the memories of lovemaking last night, replayed on her mind. She smiles like an idiot under the bed sheet as she felt Jungkook's bare chest on her back and his veiny hands on her waist.

Lisa bit her lower lips as Jungkook snuggled on her neck.

"Good morning, doll."

Jungkook's husky voice vibrated to Lisa's back as she felt the electricity traveled down her spine.

Lisa giggled because of the sensation. Jungkook travels his hands upwards as it reaches her perked nipples. Lisa moaned at the sensation it was giving her. He pinched one of her nipples and Lisa closed her eyes as a groan escaped her mouth. She did her best to take away his hand in her dangerous sensitive area. She turned to him and said,

"Kookie, We still need to go to work. Stop it now."

"I don't want to. I wanna make love with you every day."

He said in a playful voice as Jungkook placed a kiss on her lips. More passionate like what they did last night.

He placed his thumb on her fluffy cheeks as the kissing intensified.
He then breaks the kiss and looked intensely at her saying, "I dont want this to end, Love. I wanna touch every inch of your body until the day we get old. I wanted you by myself, and I'm sorry if I'm too selfish because of that. I just love you so much."

It's still early in the morning so Lisa couldn't resist but gave him the thing he wanted. She wanted it too but she was just afraid that Lily might wake up and hear them. As jungkook devoured her lips again, she mumbled between kisses, ", no..sound..."

Jungkook shut her up with the deeper tongue kissed m, as his hands roamed in the different parts of her body as she was filled once more with happiness that took her far, far more between the doors of heaven.

The sound of their bodies, the sweat their bodies produced, the stickiness, the heat, the smell they both produced, despite her being sore from the night before, she still able to produce a flood of sweet juices that Jungkook never failed but to taste it and eat it like he was a hunger for more.

Lisa never thought that this sweet guy, who had been respecting her boundaries ever since was a monster in bed. Maybe she just underestimated him in bed. Not that she was complaining, because she enjoyed it too.


"Hmm", she whispered to him once they already went back to earth after their intense exercise. Jungkook kissed her forehead looking into her eyes saying, "You're my safe sanctuary Lisa. I finally found my home. I love you."

Once again, Lisa was drowned in his love as she dizzily replied, "Thank you for accepting me, Kook, and for saving me from eternal sadness. I love you too and I'm happy it was you I fell in love with once more. Please take good care of me."

𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐨  ✔ ~Liskook~Where stories live. Discover now