Chapter 15 - Being a Father

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Taehyung never thought that one day he would wake up and find out that he was already a father

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Taehyung never thought that one day he would wake up and find out that he was already a father. He went through shock before acceptance. Now that he had finally seen her, his heart burst into happiness knowing that a part of her was his and without him, she wouldn't exist.

So imagine coming home from the shooting and then finally be able to sleep only to find out that his daughter was sent to the hospital. He didn't even wear nice clothes. He just wore whatever he could grab in his closet and run to the hospital as soon as possible.

Imagine watching the love of his life suffered alone all these years and he doesn't even have the slightest idea of what happened to her, and then guilt filled his heart when the truth came out. Now, he wanted to be a good father to Lily but then, here's Jungkook, who just came out of their life recently, trying to get everyone's approval, including Lisa and Lily's.

He felt jealous and pissed off but he had nothing to do other than blame itself. After all, Lisa would never drift away if he only learned to fight for her.

Sadly, there's one thing that Jungkook lacked and it was his connection to his daughter. Lily was still his child by flesh and her life would always be tied to him. No one could ever change his mind. When in terms of being a father to Lily, he would do everything for his daughter to be happy and to be safe. So he insisted to take care of her as Jungkook finally leaves for his job.

Taehyung couldn't stand his presence as he gave one meaningful look to Lisa plus it didn't escape on his prying eyes how she blushed on him. He didnt even know how Jungkook ended up in the hospital with her. Something that he needed to ask directly at her.

"Why was Jungkook here?"

He said when Lisa tried to tuck in the that falls on Lily's knees. Lisa knew she didn't has the right to lie to him and so she told him the truth.

"He slept at my house last night."

Taehyung clenched the water bottle that he was holding as Lisa started regretting what she just told him.

"Did you two sleep together?"

He was tensed and Lisa kinda sensed that he misunderstood their situation, but she was not an easy person who gave up so easily just to explain the whole situation. Taehyung should not care about her business as it already ended the day he left her near the postal office.

"Why do you care? Did I become nosy at you when it was announced that you had a fiancé? I didn't, right? So why must you care?"

Why I must care? Because I still fucking love you, Lisa!

Taehyung mentally said to himself. However, he couldn't utter those words to Lisa because her eyes sparkled no longer at him but on someone else. He realized that at this point, he might have already been too late.

"Do you like Jungkook, Lisa?"

Now, it was Lisa's time to tense up She never knows the answer but looking back at how she kissed him back then one answer was very clear to her, Jungkook becomes somewhat a special figure to her.

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