Chapter 9 - A Tough Competition

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Lisa had taken a little break to talk to Taehyung.

Lily was now looking over this man who couldn't stop himself from showing off his boxy smile in front of their daughter.

Lily was only curious as to why this big man in front of her is acting like her age.

She pulled out her mom's shirt then whispered to her:

"Eomma, is this guy a special child?"

Lisa could only chuckle after her daughter as she remembered how childish Tae was when they used to date.

"Well, since he was a special child, then you must be too."

She whispered back to Lily that made the little kid a little confused.

Now, she could totally see where did Lily get her childish attitude, and also her weird attitude. Yep. No doubt. She was really Taehyung's daughter.

Lisa already excuses herself and takes a little break to formally introduced Lily to Taehyung. Jungkook was still doubting giving them space but since Lisa insisted and he doesn't wanna let her think of him as a pushover. He eventually agreed.

However, it was not after how silently he observed them.

"Huh? Why would I be a special child like him?"

Lily, suddenly whispered a little too loud that Taehyung already heard about it. He chuckled and remembered that he was indeed a retard for leaving Lisa alone and his child. He went to become straight-up serious after that.

"Lily, you said you wanna meet Appa right?"

Lily nodded subconsciously before she looked up at Lisa with wide-eyed open and Taehyung smiling at her like a creepy idiot after that.

"No way!"

She exclaimed in full English sentence with mouth forming 'O' and little fancy hands covering it. Lisa didn't even know where she picked that up but remembered that that was how exactly the Three Unnies from their neighborhood always react so she might have picked it up the whole spending her time with them.

Taehyung could only laugh at how smart their daughter had become. He surely missed a lot and was determined to make up for the lost time.

Jungkook couldn't help but feel the boiling of jealousy inside while serving some customers who went to their shop. Luckily, their regular customers seemed to be on a day off right now or else they would question why Lisa was talking to some other guy when it was already spread to the university campus next to them that the owner had a beautiful doll wife.

Jungkook didn't deny the rumors and won't ever deny it. Like he cares. Heck, he can even ask Lisa to marry him right now, he already did.

Jungkook was busy eyeing the three, as he watched Lisa laughed at Taehyung, while he looked a little bit sad but still happy. It made Jungkook clinched his fist that he almost squeezed the plastic cup he was holding while making a frappe.

Jisoo stood beside him. Fully aware of the jealousy on her boss's face. Heck. She even swears Jungkook would turn violet a minute from now suppressing his anger towards Lily's biological father. Heck, he didn't even know it was very hard to win against the baby daddy of your current girlfriend.

Not that Lisa was his girlfriend but soon she will.

Jisoo tapped his shoulder, making him jump off because of surprise while Jisoo stated:

"Hey, boss. You surely are very jealous but we can't afford to waste a good plastic cup. We needed to save mother Earth from deeper pollution you know."

𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐨  ✔ ~Liskook~Where stories live. Discover now