Chapter 7- The delima of a single Mother

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This chapter is filled with hopeful messages for all of those who thought they lost their way, so I figured out that you would love listening to the Rainbow by South Border.

You can get the gist out of this Chapter by listening to the song at the same time.


"Let me go with you, Lisa."

Lisa's heartbeat even went faster inside her chest whenever she heard him say these words.

They were now inside a restaurant since Jungkook insisted that they will be getting dinner first before going home. Lisa said that it would be unnecessary and time-consuming but he persisted.

"What do you want Lisa-ssi?"

He flipped the menu on his hands while waiting for her to answer him. Lisa couldn't look straight into his eyes.

She seems to open her mouth but close it ice again hesitating what ever she wanted to say as she flipped through the pages without a word to say. The waiter was waiting with his pen and paper for them to say their order but the couple was taking time.

She ran her fingers through her hair and Jungkook couldn't help but feel something in his heart while he was watching her getting flustered. She gave up looking at the menu and just looked at him and said in her tiny voice:

"Just ramen, kimchi fried rice, and dumplings."

Jungkook couldn't help by finding her cute. He watched Lily as she was silently eating her corn dog beside Lisa.

People were quietly looking at them and finding two adorable with Lisa's baby.

They even secretly snap a picture or two about perfect family.


Jungkook said and then he called the repeat the order to the waiter.

While they were waiting, Lily told Lisa that she wanted to pee. The restroom was not far away from their table so Lisa just pointed the bathroom to her.

When Lily gone inside the bathroom. Lisa still watched her carefully just in case she gets lost.


Lisa looked at the voice that called her name and find Jungkook staring at her. She suddenly felt so hot because of it but she still answered him politely.


He looked at her before asking her a question in which he was very curious.

"How is it being a mom to Lily?"

Lisa took a lot of time to answer him.

"Well, there are times where it gets really hard but at the end of the day, when I got home and Lily was sleeping so soundly, it makes me happy. I'm happy that even if I'm alone, I can still provide something for my daughter. "

Lisa's eyes were filled with love when she was saying that. Her eyes gleam as she told him about being a mom to her precious daughter.

Jungkook leaned forward that made Lisa's heart beat faster than normal. He then asked her:

"I dont wanna sound invasive but did you regret having a child at such a young age?"

Lisa's face changed. She was thinking if there was a time when she regretted being a mom, however, she realized that there were none but she did get a hard time raising her daughter as a single mom. She recalled by saying:

𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐨  ✔ ~Liskook~Where stories live. Discover now