Chapter 17 Scandal

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Lisa was now sitting beside Jimin who was drinking his coffee calmly and throwing additional glances towards

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Lisa was now sitting beside Jimin who was drinking his coffee calmly and throwing additional glances towards. Jungkook. Jungkook never minds as he continued to serve other customers. It's already passed 9 and an hour from now, Lisa would be going home.

Jimin was waiting for her to finish because he wanted to spend the time with her and possibly hang out while catching some glimpse of her daughter, so he decided to stay while observing Jungkook. Only a few people were coming in so the coffee shop was all silent and solemn.

He decided to enjoy his stay with a cup of iced americano. Lisa, on the other hand,?was taking her 15-minute break. She sat in front of Jimin to buy some time and talked to him.

"So... Can you tell me what are your experiences in Paris?"

"Why? Are you interested in my love life now?"

He purposely wiggled his eyebrows and looked at her with flirty eyes. Lisa could only give him a combination of annotated and disgusted faces.

"Stop that Jimin! You know what I am talking about!"

He then smiled widely at her saying, "You looked so lovely when you're pissed off."

She went redder than that but she masked it off with her fake annoyed voice,

"Ugh, Chim. I swear! Just tell me what happened!"

Jimin lowered down his head. We hate it that he seemed so vulnerable in front of a girl he rejected him in the past. He looked like a fool but for Lisa, he won't. He loved her that much.

"Well, I tried to date but failed miserably."

Lisa went silent as she knew what Jimin mean. She might be one of the reasons why Jimin was roo afraid to commit to the relationship as he used to be her fling before Taehyung came into the future and snatched her away from him. Lisa felt bad about this.

"Lis, don't think it's your fault. I am just not ready at that time. Now I am."

Jimin chuckled as confusion swept over her face. She looked at him as if she eas trying to read every page of the book through his eyes. Jimin just pinched her cheeks because of how cute she was right now.

Jungkook saw what happened and secretly smashed the empty plastic cup on his hands before the customer called out his name.

"Ah, seonsaengnim? The plastic bottle in your hand. By the way, I am ordering one ice cappuccino and iced mocha."

Jungkook was taken back by his thoughts before doing back to his work. He will be going to talk to Lisa after her and his shift. He wanted to make sure if he got a chance with her or if she liked someone else instead.

It wasn't long after Lisa went back to the counter and told Jungkook that she will do the rest and he could take his break too.

Jungkook intentionally holds his hand to see her reaction. At first, she was a bit shocked but then slowly, her cheeks formed a flushed, and Jungkook was satisfied. He compared all the scenarios in his mind whenever she was with Jimin and him and he realized, she tend to get shyer and flush more around him.

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