Chapter 5 - A cute coffee date

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Saturday came and Lisa's head was all over the place. True to Jungkook words, he hadn't visited the coffee shop for 3 days, although there were times that she kept hoping he would show up without an announcement, unfortunately, it didn't happen.

Right now was the day he promised that he would take her and Lily with him. Although she was not sure if he would came, she still took her time to prepare, just in case. Not that she had bought a new dress for this date. No, she was not the kind of person, most of the time but Jungkook was a especial case.

Against the light of the house and the clear blue sky reflected into her whole body mirror, an internal conflict had started to resurfaced. Lisa had been pacing back and forth to the sala as if she had been so overwhelmed by the sudden date that she did not know how to respond to it even after three days had passed.

Today was we day off so she supposed to  have much time to prepare for the big hour but the merely ticking of the clock every minute was making her stomach upset and her heart raced above the normal beat. She shouldn't be feeling this way though, cause it's just a friendly date but then, it's been 5 years since she last goes out with a guy, what would you expect from her?

Lily seemed to be so
Dumbfounded by her mothers action because she never realized what was happening. She never saw her momma acted like this before, and so her little mind could not comprehend what was this nail-biting, slowly-walking-back-and-forth, and looking-at-the-clock-every-second-as-her-skin-went -very-pale behavior was all about.

"Eomma? Why are you like that? I am getting dizzy from watching you."

Her eyes almost popped out of her eye socket hearing their daughter spoke these words. She never thought that her daughter could learn what the word dizzy even mean in the first place. She realized her daughter was indeed a very smart intuitive kid.

What could she expect if she herself got accepted from SNU despite coming from orphanage in Namhae? Like, it's 4 hours away from Seoul itself and was just a small town but she still got the full scholarship and even got accepted to one of the prestigious schools in Seoul? Of course, her daughter would have a big brain like hers.

"I am just thinking of something baby."

She told her. Her daughter seemed to crease her brows while pouting her small mouth. She went forward and held her mom's hand and that was the only time, Lisa stopped. She figured out that her daughter must be feeling overwhelmed with all the stimulation going on in front of her.

"I'm sorry baby. Mama won't do this again. Let's go and eat now okay?"

Lily shook her head up and down, agreeing to her mom's word before going to climb one of the chairs in the kitchen. Her small hands surprisingly were strong enough as she was already sitting on one of her favorite chairs.

Lisa took out the cereal box plus the milk from the freezer. She gladly gave the bowl to her baby girl who happily took and ate it.

She also mixed kimchi, red paste, sesame oil, seaweeds, and rice in a big bowl.

While she was doing that, her mind wandered back to Jungkook. Her mind betraying her. Slowly and slowly she realized that Jungkook had been creeping out inside her heart and had been patching up whatever wound her first boyfriend had left on her.

She may not realize it but she unknowingly had been getting him on the special part of her. She was slowly but surely opening up her heart once again to the man who seemed to love her daughter, even though they never tied up by blood.

It was the first time for a very long time that Lisa felt she was needed and truly accepted.

Aside from her mom abandoning her when she was only 7 years old, ever since Lisa was alive, she had always felt hostile from everyone around her especially when they found out that she was Thai. An abandoned orphaned Thai that stayed in Korea and sucked up all the benefits that only available for Koreans.

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