Chapter 21 The Aftermath

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Lisa whimpered because she didn't even realize the burning sensations on her left shoulder and the wounds on her hands as she reached for her mother's hand

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Lisa whimpered because she didn't even realize the burning sensations on her left shoulder and the wounds on her hands as she reached for her mother's hand.

Luckily, after the saesang fan shot her one more time, the police arrived and were able to stop her any further. The paramedics were on their way and policemen arrested 150 of her men while Lisa was there, still shocked at what had happened. Everything just happened so fricking fast that she was not able to process it with her brain.

Jungkook now already entangled the plastic cellophane around Lily's body as he hugged her tight not wanting her to see all the bloody mess. She would be in trauma for sure. She was still crying because her little brain couldn't process what was happening. Why was mama here? Where was papa? Why appa Jungkook was here? Why so many people here? What was happening?

Jungkook could only shush her as she looked helplessly to Lisa. Dara went down to put her hands on Lisa's shoulder

Lisa was still crying about the loss. She didn't know what will happen all she knew was that the woman already died. She died, right in her arms. The most painful thing was that there were no words said by her. All the questions Lisa had on her mind, everything as to why she sacrificed her life for her was all clearer now. Her mom loved her. She struggled to feed Lisa anymore and so she left her in the orphanage because that's the only best thing she knew.

Lisa was seven already so no one wanted to adopt her anymore but the orphanage treated her well until she graduated high school. That's when the orphanage helped her get a scholarship and a job to stand on her own. She was thankful that her mom didnt chose a shabby orphanage to left her but a decent one.

Now, her mom have to live a life through poverty her whole life, and Lisa wasn't even aware of her situation. Lisa cried even more as her heart breaks for her mom. Dara also cried watching her. She didn't know how hard Lisa was experiencing the loss of her mom who she hadn't seen for 16 years. She could only hope her son would be there for Lisa and she could only hope the criminal will suffer someday.

The paramedics arrived and everyone wounded was rushed in the ambulance. Her mom still has a little heartbeat left in her but Lisa knows she will not survive. The only action her mom ever did was to touch her face one last time while she cried. Lisa was also rushed by the paramedics because only then did she realized that one of the bullets hit her shoulders. Only then did her vision blacken as she collapsed on the spot with everyone carrying her. Dara didn't even notice the pool of blood on Lisa's dress because she thought it just came from her mom.

Jungkook was surprised as Dara took Lily away from him and signed him to follow Lisa's ambulance. Her face was out with an oxygen mask. What could go wrong for the last hours would turn into this bloody mess.

Dara greeted her second-born son, Namjoon as he made his way to her mom.


She waved back at him as tears fall on her face. Namjoon knows how her mom cherished Lisa although he had never seen her personally.

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