Part 5

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TW: Unsympathic Patton (duh) and manipulation


"Hey Lo have you seen-what are you working on?"

"I'm trying to figure out how to connect the light and darksides so we have just sides. No light. No dark. Just Sander sides. Now did you need something?"

"Uh yeah I was going to see if you've seen Cass but are you sure about this?"

"Possitive, I believe this will help us and Thomas better in the metaforical long run."

"Yeah but what if something goes wrong? What if this doesn't work out as well as you thought it would? What if-"

"Virgil. Everything will be fine. Take a deep breath, in and out."

"Thanks L..."

"Of course, now I'm going to go fine Janus to try and finish this. Cassius was in the imagination last I heard."

Logan walked out with his notepad and Virgil composed himself before leaving to find Cassius. Logan knocked on the black door with a giant twoheaded snake in the middle opening the door when there was a come in. Logan walked in closing the door behind him.

"Salutaions Janus, do you have a minute?"

Janus sat up facing the logical side.

"Yeah what's up?"

"The sky? Anyway I was thinking, after everyone calms down from....recent edvents maybe we should combine the light and dark sides. No more ligh or dark just sides."

Janus blinked a few times trying to procces what we had heard.

"Combine the light and darks...."

"Yes, I feel it would not only benifit Thomas but us aswell in the end."

He nodded, "It's not a bad idea but it's compicated. You can't just combine them, it's a long....painful experice."

"You speak as though you've experiece it before, why?"

"Who do you think sepreated the two in the first place? Sure it was Patton's idea but I did it. It was the only way to keep them keep Thomas safe....from us."

Janus looked away from logic refusing to meet his gaze. Virgil popped his head in.

"Guys have you seen Cass? He's not in the imagination, his room, or anywhere in the dark palace."

"Have you tried summoning him?"

"Yeah, nothing."

"Weird....have you tried the mind village? He could be wandering over there."

"Ok, thanks Jan."

He left and Logan siged turning back to the decietful man.

"Jan, it's ok. You did what you thought was best. Even if it put you through pain you helped not only them but Thomas. Do I think it was stupid to put yourself through pain? Yes, yes I do. Do I understand why you did it? Yes, yes I do. Am I mad at you for doing that? No, no I'm not."

"Heh, thanks Logan, now let's look at what you've come up with so far."

Janus took the paper from Logan and started reading trough it


Cassius walked the shadows of the forest finding it calming. a branch snapped and he froze listening for the steady breathing of the intruder.

"I know you're there, come out already."

"You really are no fun Cassius. Buuuttt I guess sneaking around won't be an option now."

Cass tensed at the sickingly sweet voice not turning to face it.

"How are you here."

"It wasn't that hard. I just had to wait till the twins had a bad day and let their guard down. Then it was easy to do what I wanted."

"Now what? You won't last out here for long. Once the others find out-"

"They won't find out till I want them too."


He laughed a low dark chuckle moving to stand in front of the darkside.

"Come on now Cass look at me. It's rude not to look at someone while they're talking."

"What are you planning morality."

"That's for me to know and you're little boy toy to find out."

Cassius let out a low growel, "He's not my boy toy."

Patton rolled his eyes, "Whatever, now let's get this over with. I have things to do."

"What are you talking ab-"

Patton's eyes glowed a light blue, Cassius' doing the same as their gazes met. After a few seconds Patton's eyes went back to a warm honey brown. Cassius' went back to normal but with a blue haze covering them.

"That was easier then expected, why didn't I think of this before?"

Patton shook his head dissmising the thought and turning back to his puppet. An evil smirk worked it's way on his face.

"Hmmm, alright Cassius go find Remus and tell him to meet you here tonight at ten dull."

Cassius nodded and left, heading back to the mindpalace.

"That was almost too easy. Now then how to get rid of the snake?"

A/N: I don't normally write in 3rd person but how am I doing? Honestly, I'm I doing good or is there something I could do to make it flow better? I almost forgot but did you find the refrence?

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