Part 10

136 9 5

A/N:.......good luck......

TW: Blood, U!Patton, sad Remus, knife

Roman opened his eyes to a blank and black void.

"Remus! Are you in here!?!"

"R-Ro?" There was a faint voice a few feet to his right.

He turned eyes going wide when he saw his brother laying on the ground a pool of blood surrounding him.

"Oh my gosh Remus!"

He ran slidding on his knees in front of the green side.

"What the heck happened?!?"

"Wounds don't heal or get repaired here like they do out there..."

Tears flooded Roman's vision.

"Y-you're going to be ok Re, I need you to listen to me ok. I need you to wake up."


"You're dying Remus! Please wake up I can't lose you.....please wake up....."

"I'll try Robro but just in case I love you and....I'm sorry...."

"Sorry? For what?"

"Being a bad brother, hurting Thomas when I didn't mean too....being a burrden to those around me...."

Roman shakes his head as the pool of tears slip down his face.

"You're not a burden and you're the best brother I could ask for I'm the bad twin out of us....I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry Remus..."

He carefully pulls Remus up and into a hug not careing that blood is staining his clothes. He rips off his sleeve wrapping it around the wound.

"Roman your shirt...."

"Can be fixed or replaced. You are more important right now."

"Your shirt is ripped and stained now.....

"I don't care. We need to try and stop the blood flow. Now please please please wake up. I need you, Thomas needs you, Cassius needs you, Jan and Vee need you, Logan needs you please wake up. For them, for Thomas, for me."

Remus swallowed tears of his own falling, "I'll try...."

"Thank you."

Roman started to flicker.

"My time is up, I love you Remus, I need you. They need you please wake up so we can beat Patton."

"Can I smash him over the head with my morning star?"

"Of course you can brother."

A small smile crossed Remus' face and Roman faded stumbling back outside of Remus' room.

"Roman what happen to your shirt!?"

He looked down to see half the sleeve missing and the front stained red with blood.

"Remus was bleeding....."

"Did you get him to wake up?"

"I think so...."

"Uh babes I hate to interupt but can someone catch me?"

"What do you me-"

Remy fell foward falling unconsious, Janus quickly catching him before he hit the floor."

"He's fine just not enough sleep this week then used too much energy."

Jan sat him against the wall before turning to the others. Virgil was fussing over Roman making sure he was alright.

"VeeVee I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You were in there a while....." His eyes went wide, "You're not affected are you?!? What if something happened to Thomas? Oh no we haven't seen him in a while he's probably confused and-and scared and-"

"Virgil calm down he's fine, I'm fine."

"But what if-"

Roman cut him off with a kiss leaving Virgil to melt into it. Ro pulled away a smile on his face.

Virgil sighed, "Fine you win, now go change you smell like blood."

Roman chuckled, "I'm going, I'm going."

He walked away towards his room. Cassius bit his lip turning towards the green and black door.

"Should we go check on him?"

Virgil shrugged, "Why not."

The trio walked in closing the door behind them.


Logan sighed letting his head hit the wooden desk. He wanted to go home back to the mindscape, back to his room, back to Janus but he had to stay here for them. So they were safe so Thomas was safe.

"Is my Logie bear home sick already? You could go buuutttt the deal would be off then.....unless....."

His head snapped up, "Unless?"

Patton smiled a sickening sweet smile walking over to Logan lifting his chin with his hand.

"Unless you want to make a new deal....Love."

He stiffened "....What deal."

"Give me control of the mindpalace and you can go home."


"No? Don't you want to go home? Back to your snake toy?"

Logan glared at the man in front of him, "I want to go home but not under those circumstances and Janus is a....friend..." The word sounded weird, wrong even to Logan but he couldn't figure out why, "He's not a toy Morality."

"It's just a little request Logie. Things go back to how they were before Remus intervened and you can go home."

"No. You should be back in prison not running free you bi-"

Patton slapped Logan anger clearly etched on his face.

"Now Logie let's watch out mouth." He glared with venom dripping in his sweet tone.

Logan's eyes went wide for a moment before his mask slid into place his check stinging in pain but he ignored it.

"Now what do we say?"

He kept his mouth shut with a blank face except for the icy cold glare pointed at Patton. Patton tilted his head a smirk creeping on his face. He stood pulling Logan up by his tie his other hand tilting the nerd's head to look at him.

"Cat got your tounge Logie bear?"

"Get out Morality."

"And why should I? You're Mine while you're here and I can do whatever. I. Want."

Logan just glared keeping his ground.

"I said get out Morality."

Patton sighed rolling his eyes, "And I said No."

Patton got an idea and dragged Logan out of the room.

"What are you doing."

He chuckled sweetly with a dark undertone.

"Nothing....nothing at all."

The ex-side opened a door and tossed the logical side in making him stumble as he caught his footing. He looks around the blank and grey room noticing no windows or other doors. Patton closes and locks the door behind him

"Oh just so you know the rooms sound proof."

"Why would that matter?"

He giggled darkly, "I can't send you back to the others without a little gift of my own to it now can I?" He tilted his head to one side a dark and hollow smile in place.

"This is going to hurt.....a lot."

Logan's eyes went wide and he backed up as Patton walked closer summoning a knife.

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