Part 8

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A/N: Ignore spelling errors, I am not....stable tonight and didn't check spelling so I apologize for that.

"You need me to what now! You realize how dangerous that is for you."

"Yes but Roman's emotionally unstable right now and the other three will not suffice going in there. I'm the one who needs to go."

"Sorry babes but I am not sending you in there."

"Remus is dying Remy! I am the only one who can go and I need to. I don't know what else to do......"

Logan looked away shame flashing across his face. Remy sighed flicking his sunglasses up to rub his eyes before flicking them back down.

"Fine but you get ten minutes in there that's it. Any longer could and will cause damage to you and Thomas."

"Thank you Remy."

"Don't metion it babes. Now lets go save the trash man."

The two sunk out landing in Remus' room.

"Oh come on babes! Why you got to try and kill him now!"

Patton froze slowly turning to the two.

"Really Logie? You brought him."

"Don't call me that."

"Why not love?"

"I am not your love."

"But Logie I love you."

"Well I don't. Not anymore..."

Patton smirked slowly walking toward Logan.

"Are you sure about that? You seem....upset about it?"

"I don't love you anymore. I've....I've moved on."

Patton scoffed backing away to where he was before.

"The snake really Logan? You can do better then that liar of a darkside."

"He's more then his trait Morality. Just. Like. You. Now get away from Remus."

"I'll make a deal with you Logie bear. Give me back full control of the mindscape and I'll let the darksides live."


"Choose wisely Logie~ Remus' and the others lives are in your hands now~"

Logan stood there trying to find a way out of it.

"You're crazy Morality! We're talking about other side's lives here!"

"I know what I'm doing sleep! And if you want your presious Emile to live you'll stay out of this."

"You leave him out of this! He did nothing to you! He trusted you! He was your friend and then you do this!"

"I'm doing what's best for Thomas!"

'No you're not Patton! Please put an end to this! You're hurting everyone who trusted you! Everyone who looked up to you! You're hurting Thomas!'

Patton stumbled for a moment eyes going wide before he shook his head.

"I am helping Thomas. They're bad for him." Patton mumbled before turning back to Logan, "Well? I don't have all day Logie."

"I......" Logan sighed, "If you leave everyone and I mean EVERYONE alone I'll....I'll come with you...."

"Hmmm I suppose it's a start. I get my Logie bear back~"

"Logan are you crazy!"

"Help Remus. Please wake. Him. Up."

Remy nodded a blank face behind his sunglasses.

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