Part 11

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A/N: Off topic but I just watched Are There Healthy Distractions and I realized when Roman says that making fun of something/someone is how he shows his love right. Right so that means he shows love to the other sides, especialy the dark sides but he doesn't show his love to Patton (very often) does that mean he doesn't love Patt as much as the others (at all?). If so then Royality is doing even wrose then after the new episode. Anyway on to the chapter! You guys are going to hate me when this is done, have fun

The three walked into Remus' room the door snapping shut behind them. Cassius let out a scream at the sight. Remus was unhealthy pale, dark circles around his eyes and a pool of blood under where he was stabbed. The heart monitor a straight line.

"Nonononono Remus!"

The man in orange colapsed to the ground a hand over his mouth shaking as his vision was flooded with tears.

"Remus....." Janus walked over looking for a pulse and dropped to his knees by the bed still holding his hand.

"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!"

Virgil stood there paralyzed with wide eyes like a deer trapped in headlights. Memory beond memory played and replayed in his head. Tears slowly worked their way down his face making his eyeshadow run.

"Please tell me this is some sick joke! Please you can't be gone!"

He made his way to the bed kneeling next to Janus and hiding his head in his cape.

"Please tell me he's not gone.....please."

"He's not gone....."


Janus side hugged him.

"Is everything alright I heard a scream!?"

Roman came in hair damp and went bugeyed at the scene in front of him. He looked at the heart monitor tears pooling in the cornners of his eyes.

"D-did you guys unplug the heart monitor....."

Virgil held back a sob shaking his still buried head. Roman's bottom lip trembled.

"W-why don't we head downstairs...."

Vee stood rushing into Roman's arms clinging to his shirt. The prince quickly wrapped his arms around the emo holding him close. Janus stood up and help Cass off the ground before the four made their way downstairs.


Logan groaned holding his side. Patton backed up a crazed smile on his face, he flicked his hand the bloodied knife dissapearing.

"That was fun Logie! Let's do it again sometime but for now let's give the others their present!"

He grabbed Lo's tie pulling him up to his feet and dragging him out of the room skipping towards the mindpalace. He walked in causing the four still sad sides to jump up. Roman grabbing hissoward and Janus grabbed his cane.

"I wouldn't do that~" He sing songed.

"What are you doing here morality."

"Just wanted to give you guys a little gift."

This made them confused. Patton smiled almost too innocently and tossed Logan towards Janus, who caught him. HE looked down at the side with wide eyes before glaring at Patton with hatred.

"What did you do to him!?"

"We just had a together."

Janus and Virgil hissed, "Oh Virgie~ You're next!"

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