Part 14

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Virgil and Cassius followed Janus as Logan went to distract Patton.

"The rooms down this way..."

They made their way down the hall and stopped infront of a metal door. Virgil put his head on the door listening for anyone inside.

"Ok it's clear."

Janus moved forward and picked the lock the door quietly swinging in. Virgil went in seeing Roman sitting staring at the wall.


He snapped out of his daze glancing at Virgil and blinking a few times.


He ran over kneeling infront of him.

"RoRo are you ok? Oh gosh your head is bleeding! We need to get you out of here."

He shook his head, "No, you need to leave I'll be fine."

"No Roman we already lost one creativity we can't lose the other one aswell."

He got Roman to his feet and led him out.

"But Patton will hurt you."

"Not as long as I have my prince to protect me."

He chuckled, "As long as you promise to be careful."

"You do realize who your talking to right?"

"Yes Mr. Anxiety 24-7."

Virgil smiled helping a limping Roman back to the mind palace. Roman sat on the couch with a huff as Logan walked back in and waved his hand. The place going dark blue before back to normal.

"There now he can't get in."

Roman proped his leg up on the coffee table his head falling back and hitting the couch. Virgil gently touched his leg resulting in Roman wincing.

"Shoot sorry Ro..."

"Its fine Storm Cloud."

Janus sat on the other side with a med kit.

"Roman I'm going to need you to cooperate with me here."

He nodded sitting up. Janus opened the kit and looked at Roman.

"Head and leg first."

Roman rolled his pant leg up and Virgil had to look away. His leg was bruised black and blue with dried blood on it. Roman pulled Virgil into a hug keeping the boys head in his chest. Janus swallowed before cleaning the blood and gently but securely wrapping the leg in a misshape cast. He moved some of Roman's hair and pressed a wet rag to it.

"Hold that there for a moment."

Roman did as told while Janus looked for something.

"Alright you can remove it."

He moved the rag away and Janus applied the glue like substance to the cut before wrapping some of the white wrap around his head.

"There the big ones are taken care of. Now Roman where else is it bad?"

He bit his lip and glanced down at Virgil, "Vee baby maybe you should leave for this part."

He shook his head, "I'm not leaving till I know you're ok."

"Virgil you won't like what you see. Please for me."


He walked out of the room the door to his bedroom shutting. Roman sighed and lifted his shirt up over his head. His chest was a painting of blue, green, yellow, and purple spots with a mix of bright and dark red lines ranging from small to big. His torso and stomach were just as bad only more red took up the space.

"Not very pretty is it?"

"You look great...."

"I know right. Didn't think Patton could do something so......Remus like."


"The backs no better that's for sure."

"Let's start with the front first."

Janus cleaned the cuts and banaged them before repeating the proccess to the back.

He sighed, "There, put your shirt on and call your boyfriend back in before he has a panic attack."

He chuckled and sliped his shirt on before calling for Virgil who ran down and tackled him in a hug.

"I'm alright Storm Cloud."

"Don't you ever and I mean ever do something so stupid again do you hear me?"

"Alright alright I won't" He hid his crossed fingers from Virgil a smile on his face.

He burried his head in Roman's chest as Logan and Cassius came down.

"Hey Roman glad to see you better."

"Hi Logan, how are you feeling?"

"Better, thank you. Now I have a plan to get rid of Patton for good.


"Wait so you're telling me he did all of that in a span of ten years?!?"

"Yeah basicaly."

Amy put her head in her hands witha sigh, "Gosh I have so much to fix."

"You're not alone Am. Will go get the others and fix this together."

"I would come with you two but I need to stay here with Em."

"Its fine Remy you've done more then enough."

"It was good to see you again Amy, ?????. Bye babes!"

He walked away and the two left heading to the mine palace. Amy opened the door and stepped in ?????. The air was tense, so tense you could see a dark blue film in the air. The sound of the door alerted the others and they turned and went wide eyed.

Logan spoke up first,

"Amy? Remus?"

A/N: Suprise! It's Remus! I was going to keep him dead but then this idea came to mind! So here ya go he's alive.....for now....

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