Part 6

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"Cassius! Where have you been? Virgil was looking for you?"

"I was looking for you."

"You were looking for me? Why?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to join me in the imagination tonight?"

Remus' eyes went a little wide a red hue taking over.

"Uh um sure! Did you have anywhere in mind."

"The forest on your side of the imagination? I always thought it looked nice."

Remus nodded bouncing on the balls of his feet a little, "Ok I'll see you there!"


'Cassius' smiled a little before walking away the smile leaving the minute he turned around The orange side walked into his room.

"There you are Cass, I was starting to get worried you wouldn't come back."

"Why would I not come back sir?"

Patton shrugged, "The spell wore off, but I'm glad it didn't. It means I still have some control of this place."

He jumped off the bed heading to the darksides desk.

"Now then operation get rid of the snake."


"Roman! Guess what!"

"What did you do this time Remus?"

"I found Cassius and he asked me on a date in the imagination tonight! Can you believe it!"

"Awww Ree why didn't you tell me you had a crush!"

"Well with everything going on I guess it slipped my mind. That's not the point, the point is help!"

"Ok, ok calm down. You have to have something that could work."

"I have some nice shirts I supose."

"Well what are we waiting for then? To your room!"

The twins left to the duke's room.

"Now then let's about this one?"

Roman helpd up a pastle green button up with a pair of jeans.

"Perfect Romano."

Remus walked into the bathroom to change must to his dismay. He walked back out a few minutes later doing his best to tame his wild mess of hair.

"Pttfffff what is your hair!"

Remus huffed crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry Mr. Perfect! But messy is kinda my thing!"

"Yeah yeah whatever, you look great though Remus."

"Thanks Ro. Now help! I don't know what to do or what to say or or!!!!"

"Ok ok calm down! One thing at a time Ree!"

"Ok yeah your right I'm calm I'm calm......"



"You're not calm."

"I'm not calm!"

"Ok Remus you got this, everything will be fine."

Remus slowly pushed the door to the imagination open and made his way through the forest stopping in the clearing where 'Cassius' was. 'Cassius' had on ripped jeans, a white and black stripped shirt with a black and orange leather jacket over. A small white top hat with a orange ribbon tied around it. Remus' breath hitched red covering his face.

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