Part 12

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Roman stood back up whipping the blood off his mouth panting slightly.

Patton screamed in frustration, "Come on Roman! It's no fun if you're not screaming in pain!"

"You're the reason my brother is dead. I'm not giving you the satisfaction. Not now, not ever."

Patton smiled darkly and looked down chuckling, "So the rat's dead huh? Finally! I thought he'd never leave!"

Roman tackled Patton to the ground and punched him in the face.

"Don't you dare say that about my brother you bi-"

Patton pushed him off and dusted himself off, "Watch your mouth Ro. Wouldn't want anything bad to happen to your little Virgie now would we?'

"Leave him out of this Morality." He spat the name with venom glaring a cold icy glare at the ex-side.

He rolled his eyes and twirled the knife stained with red crimson blood. He walked over putting the knife to his skull.

"I could so easily kill you right here right now. But you're useful so I suggest you shut your ever flapping gobtaker if you want to live kiddo." He said the last sentance as if he was back in Thomas' living room filming a video.

Roman just glared at the man as he slowly took the knife away before slashing it on his side. Roman bit his lip to keep the cry's of pain in.

"Come on Ro, yell in pain."

Roman shook his head. He refused to show anytype of weakness to this man. Patton rolled his eyes and did the action again but deeper. Roman still refused to cry in pain, he did it a third time but Roman held his ground and he held it firm.

Patton sighed and backed up, "Fine we'll finish this later."

After the door closed Roman let out a small whimper clutching his side. He took his sash and wrapped it around his middle to stop the bleeding.

"Please tell me you're safe Vee...."


Thomas woke with a gasp holding his head in his hands an icy pain hitting his head.

"What is going on up there....Janus!"

Jan popped up a little suprised.

"Thomas is everything not alright?"

Thomas winced head still in his hands, "What is happening up there?!"

"There's uh some issuses but everything will be fine."

"Will it?"


"Please hurry I don't think I can take much more pain...."

Janus sat and side hugged his host.

"I'm going to fix things Thomas. Everything will be alright."

"Thanks Jan...."

"Self care is important. Go upstairs and try to get some sleep ok."

" Remus ok? I haven't seen or heard from him in a while..."

"Remus......" Tears pooled in his eyes, "Remus is dead Thomas...."

"What? How!"

Thomas couldn't wrap his head around the idea of one of his sides dead.

"Patton mindcontrolled Cassius and he stabbed Remus in the shoulder..... He lost too much blood and died in the deamscape...."

"The dreamscape?"

"It's where we're made. If we pass out or something like that we're sent to the dreamscape till we wake up or another side risk coming to wake us up. Roman went in and tried to wake Remus up but Remus couldn't. If Roman was in there for too long he could've gotten hurt badly."

"He didn't right?"

"No he's fine....well will be."

"What do you mean will be?"

"Logan made a deal with Patton, he went with him and Morality would leave us alone. The two showed up after Remus died, Logan was brusied and bloody.....Patton took Virgil and Roman went after them, He traded himself for Virgil...."

"Are Lo and Vee ok?"

"They're fine now, we're working on a plan to get Roman back."

Thomas thought for a moment before turning to Janus.

"Jan I created you guys right?"


"Can't I recreate Remus?"

Janus thought for a moment, "Maybe....we'd have to talk to Logan but first getting Roman back."

Thomas nodded slowly and Janus sighed.

"You need to sleep. Go upstairs and we'll fix everything....I'm sorry this is happeneing Thomas..."

"It's fine Jan...."

"No it's not. It put's stress on you and isn't good for your health."

"Yeah alright fine."

"Thank you."

Thomas waved him off and slowly made his way up the stairs closing the door to his room. Deceit sighed once more before sinking out to the mind palace.

"Jan? Where did you go?"

"Thomas needed me..."

Logic's eyes went wide and he faced palmed, "I completely forgot about our host! How is Thomas doing?"

"Tired, headache, confused, stressed, ect."

He let out a breath, "It's a good thing I have a plan then isn't it."

"Yeah, how's Virgil doing?"


"Right here and ready to go save the idotic prince I somehow love!"

"We're doing this now? I want to save Roman too but shouldn't we wait a little so you two can rest?"

"Janus is right, maybe we should wait Virgil."

"No. Roman saved me and now it's my turn. I saw what Patton did to you and he almost did it to me. I don't want Roman going through that too."

Janus smirked looking over at Logan and a knowing Cassius.

"Well what aren't we waiting for? Get off your butts and let's go!"

The two scrambled to their feet Logan running off to get some supplies and Virgil hugged Janus from behind. Janus turned suprised to see the emo hugging him.

"Thank you Dee Dee..."

"Of course Spider."

Janus hugged him back before Virgil pulled away and slug his dropped bag over his shoulder.

"Logan what's the plan?"

Logan laid out a map of the mind and a notepad.

"Roman is being held here," He pointed to a small black part of the mind, "So here's what we're going to do."


?????"s Pov

I groaned sitting up.

"What happened?"

"Hello! It's nice to have another person here."

I turned to see a girl with strawberry blonde hair that was up in a braid a white hat sitting on top. She had on a white crop top hoddie that had the word Sleep written in swirly black a light blue shirt under. A grey skirt ending above the knee with knee length white socks and light bue sneakers on. Round glasses sat on her freckled face a hapy smile in place making her face bright up.

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