Part 17

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Guess whos back, in an angsty mood, and wants to cause trouble! Me!

Virgil played with Roman's hair as the Disney movie played, "Feeling better Ro?"

"Mhm, thank you."

"Of course."

"Hey Vee...."

He paused the movie, "What is it?"

"Patton has something bigger planed doesn't he?"

The emo sighed, "I'd be lying if I said no Ro."

Roman turned around and held the emo close, "....I don't want to lose you again."

He hugged the prince burrying his head in his shoulder, "You won't Roman."



"I love you Storm Cloud."

"I love you too Princey."

The prince pulled back and kissed him,


"Yours." The emo kissed him with a smile.

"Finish the movie or head downstairs?"

"Let's go get something to eat, I'm hungry."

"Ok, come on."

The two got up and headed downstairs. They walked into the kitchen where Amy was.

"Hey Am."

"Hi kiddos, how are you guys doing?"

Virgil shrugged, "Fine."


The girl rolled her eyes, "Don't eat too much, dinners in thirty."

"Gotch ya."

Virgil opened the fridge and pulled out the coke.

"Ro do you want some?"

"No I'm good."

"Ok." He closed the fridge, grabbing a cup and poured a glass.

Virgil drank half the glass before setting it down on the table.

"I made sandwhiches."

"Thanks Princey."

"Anything for you JD-lightful."

Roman sat down but Vigil just set the plate down and gripped the edge of the table.

"Vee? You alright?"

He didn't respond. He couldn't respond. It was like someone cut of his vocal cords. It heart was beating lound but slow. His vision blurred. Sound was replaced with static. His breathing heavy and layered. His senses failing him as touch became fuzzy and not there.

"Virgil baby, what's wrong?"

Virgil's knees felt weak as he sank to the floor trying to focus on something. Anything.

"Virgil! Baby talk to me!"

"Roman whats happening out there?"

"VIrgil collapsed. He's not responding!"

Amy walked out and kneeled in front of him. She waved her hands reciving no response from the motion. She frowned, turning to Roman and standing up.

"Stay with him and try to get him to do anything. I'm going to go get Logan."


She walked away upstairs.

"VeeVee baby please."

Virgil's breathing slowed as he brought a hand to his heart. Everything seemed to slow. Like it was in slow motion. He couldn't feel! He couldn't hear! He wanted Roman. He wanted to be held and feel loved and safe in his arms. Where was Roman!

He fell sideways his vision coming back. Roman caught him setting his head in the prince's lap.

"Vee can you hear me?"

Virgil saw the prince. His prince. He saw his lips moving but still couldn't hear. The emo felt light. Like he was fading to nothing. He lifted his hand up to Roman's face but couldn't tell. He couldn't feel anything. He couldn't feel when his hand cupped Roman's face. He couldn't feel when Roman placed his hand on top of his. He couldn't feel when a tear rolled down the prince's face and hit his hand. He couldn't feel when a inky black substance with purple threaded through it ran down his face from his mouth. He didn't feel Roman's other hand as it wiped the substance off his face only to have it return. He didn't hear Roman say the three words he meant everytime as tears rolled down his face.

"I love you."

Virgil didn't feel his body slowly fade into nothing.

Roman screamed as the emo dissapeared.


He fell over his hands hitting the floor where the emo once laid.

"You promised! You promised you wouldn't leave me!"

Five pairs of feet thundered down the stairs stopping at the bottom. Purple dust littered the floor around the crying prince. 

Tears streamed down his face. His vision blurred by the water pooling out of his eyes. A pair of arms wrapped around him in comfort. A voice whispered words of comfort in his ear to help calm him. A hand was in his hair as he sat up in a sitting position. Roman hugged the green and black blur tightly as he cried.

A tear was shed and quickly wiped away as a side in light blue and grey left the scene.

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