Part 15

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"Amy? Remus? But how?"

"Suprise I'm alive!"

Janus and Virgil hugged the duke suprising everyone.

"Do something like that again!"

"You worried everyone you idiot!"

"I missed you too. Now get off I have a side to go kill!"

Amy sighed shaking her head, "Remus we takled about this. You can't kill him."

"Why not! He killed me! He got rid of you! He split us! give me one good reason why I can't kill him!"

"Because that's not my Patton!"

She turned away storming out of the room.

"What? What did she mean?"

"How am I suppose to know? Just because she found me doesn't mean I know."

Logan thought before it dawned on him.

"I think I know what she meant..."


Patton paced his room lost in thought. He stops and does something he never thought he would do.

"Amy? Are you there?"


"Amy don't ignore me!"


"You know what fine! Ignore me I don't care!"

Patton huffed going back to pacing before an idea came to him. He chuckled darkly.

"I hope you enjoy your last meal together."

He opened his closet pulling out an old wooden box he hasn't touched in years.

"Don't think I don't know you're gone Amy. You're next."

Patt opened the box pulling on a pair of rubber gloves and stinking something in his pocket before swiftly leaving the room.



"There's a part of her that wants the old Patton back. The Patton before anyone else came."

"She's hanging on the past...."

"Yeah a past that won't come back!"

"Remus. Calm down."

"Why should I? She's asking me not to harm the person who killed me? The person who hurt my brother? The person who started all of this?"

"Yes! That's exsactly what she asked you!"

"Yeah well it bu-" Cassius set a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down Remus. Fighting won't get us anywhere."

"She can't expect us to not do anything while he's trying to kill us? Don't think I haven't noticed Roman's head or Virgil's wince when he hugged me, or your limp Logan! I'm not going to sit around and let him win just beause she can't let go of the past!"

"Remus Duke Creativity Sanders!" Cassius spun him around to face him, "Calm down right now!"

He crossed his arms a blush taking over his face.

"Amy is torn between two things and you fighting with everyone is not helping. Will Patton get away with what he's done? No. No he will not. But you're not going to stand here and bicker with everyone."


"Thank you. Now how about we all go calm down and he can make a plan at dinner? Good? Great, come along Remus."

He took Remus' hand dragging him away while Virgil helped Roman upstairs. The two bickering about Roman needing help or not. And Logan colapsed on the couch Janus glancing the way Amy went.

"I'm going to go check on her...."

"Alright." He closed his eyes leaning back aginst the couch.

Jan walked outside and sat on the swing next to Amy.

"I'm not afraid to show my scales anymore....and Thomas accepted me..."

"That's great kiddo I'm proud of about the twins?"

"Ro's with Virgil, Remus is pinning Cass but they're good. Thomas isn't afraid of Remus' thoughts anymore."

"That's great! Speaking of Vee how is the little bean?"

"As anxious as ever but he's fine."

"Logan finally showing emotion yet?"

"Yep. Cass is doing good too. He seems happy-well happier now that he's back with us."

"That's great kiddo....."

"Amy...where were you all these years?"

"Trapped in the dreamscape."

"What? How?"


"He's not coming back Am."

"I know, I'm sorry I just can't believe what he's become."

He placed a hand on her shoulder, "It's alright Amy I understand."

"Thanks kiddo....why don't you head back in. I'll be in, in a minute."


Janus stood and walked back in sitting next to Logan who had a book.

"Is she alright?"

"Yeah, she'll be in when she's ready.

He nodded.

Amy closed her eyes taking a deeo breath.

"I'm coming Patton and I won't stop till you're gone.

A/N:....I'm sorry, it's short, it's a filler chapter I know. I have plans but I can't just jump into them so yeah. Also I have some bad news. Not about the story! But I metioned in a past book that after The Royal Ball was going to be Welcome To The Isle of The Lost. Well about that, it's still happening it just might be delayed. Heres the thing I have a story going and an outline but I got a major block on it so I stop and moved on to the next story. So would you rather wait for that story or have me skip to the one thats almost done? Also who do you thinks going to win?

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