-chapter 6-

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It was the next morning, you woke up and got dressed in a plaid skirt that was short and a black tight top that was low cut, you put on your heels. You walked over to your mirror and touched up your lipstick, you then put on your perfume and grabbed your purse. You walk down the stair case that leads to the common room, you see Draco laying on the couch. His eyes were red and puffy, you could tell he had been crying. You continue walking about debating if you should go back and make sure he's okay. You just keep walking to meet Hermonie, Ron and Harry. You see them from a distance, you walk up to them. Hermonie hugs you knowing what happened with you and Draco. You turn around and see Draco walking, he looked so hurt. You start to feel bad, but immediately look away. You see Blaise checking you out and you roll your eyes, you looked and saw Hermonie  and Ron holding hands. "oh my, look Hermonie and Ron are dating Harry"  you say tapping his shoulder. He laughs, you punch him in the arm "be nice asshole" you said. You all head to your guys first class, you walk into dark arts and see Draco sitting in the back. He looked horrible, you wanted to give him a hug badly. You then look away, Pansy walks in and sits by Draco. He pushed her away, "Pansy just leave me alone" he whispered. After class you meet Hermonie outside, you walk around with her. She was talking about Ron, "I'm so happy for you guys" you say smiling. She looks over at you "y/n you and Draco are meant to be, I'm being serious you guys are soulmates. You will come back to each other" she says. "how do you know we're soulmates?" You say looking over at her "he really love you y/n, a love that is stronger then anyone else's that's a soulmate..." she says. You look over and see Draco looking at you, you look down and back up at him. Pansy walks over to Draco, she hands him a cookie and his whole mood changed. He started making out with her, "Hermonie look" you say. She watches what happens "she put him under a love spell, that's so messed up." Hermonie says. "Somebody needs to do something" you say. You run over there, "seriously a love potion Pansy" you say. You look over at Draco, "are you okay draco?" you say looking into his eyes. You see him snap out of the spell, "yes I'm fine" Draco says looking into your eyes, "okay well goodbye malfoy" you say waking away. Draco grabs your arm "wait y/n, please I-I don't love Pansy I love you. Please y/n" he said. You look at him, you gently pull away. You walk back to Hermonie, "I need him to feel how I felt when he kissed Pansy" you say. She looks over at you "I don't think he meant it y/n he seems pretty lost without you."

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