-chapter 28-

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You look over at Draco, he takes your hand. "It's alright darling"  he whispers trying to calm you down. Everyone grabs their wands but keeps it to their sides, you and Draco stand in the back. "I love you" you whisper, "I love you too" he whispers back. Voldemort starts laughing, you look over and see someone in hagrids arms. They were dead... "I will be happy to announce that Harry Potter is dead" Voldemort says. Your heart drops, there were laughs and cry's. "no no" you whispered breaking into tears. Draco pulls you into his arms, "I know I know" he whispered trying to calm you down. You look over at Ron and Hermione, they were both in tears. You see Lucius look over at Draco, "Draco, Draco come here son come join us" he said. You looked over at Draco, you grabbed his arm. Draco stands still staring into your eyes, "Draco come on son, this is where you belong" his father says again. Draco doesn't move, you see Voldemort look over at the both of you. "Draco come now" Voldemort demands. Draco sighs, "I love you forever and always" he whispers. He lets go of your hand, you start to cry. "You promised me, YOU PROMISED ME" you yell in tears. He tries to hold back his tears, Luna grabs your arm. "Don't y/n" she whispered. Draco kept walking over to Voldemort, "no I can't do this I can't" you say pulling away from Luna and running over to Draco. "Y/n go back, stop this." Draco said trying not to cry. "Forever and always remember? You wanna walk over here I'll walk over here with you." You said. Voldemort laughs, "you must be the girlfriend y/n" he says. You look over and see Harry's dead body, "I can't believe you killed Harry Potter, really. That's just so depressing. Feeling intimidated by a young boy." You snarl. Draco looks over at you, "y/n stop" he whispers. "You're such a coward, seriously. How does it feel? Killing him, do you feel more powerful? Because killing potter doesn't make you more powerful it just make you look like a low life."  You snarl. Voldemort gasps, "who do you think your talking to? I will kill you right here right now." He says getting in your face, you laugh. "You don't scare me, you really don't. Kill me I dare you." You say getting in his face. He takes a step back, he was surprised by your bravery. Draco grabs your arm, "Y/n stop, you can't do this. Please I can't loose you." He whispers. "HE KILLED MY BEST FRIEND, AND THEN HE WAS GOING TO TAKE YOU DRACO I CANT LOOSE YOU." You yell, you look over at Bellatrix and Narcissa. You then look at Draco, and back at Voldemort. "What are you waiting for? Kill me, I'd like to see you try. I really would" you laugh. You see Neville has the sword, he looks up at you. He knew you wanted  the sword to kill the snake so you could end Voldemort. He nods his head signaling he would help you, you look over at Bellatrix and Narcissa. They nodded their heads too. "AVADA KEDAVERA" Voldemort screams.

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