-chapter 14-

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You and Draco were sitting in the back of the car, Ron and Harry were sitting on one side and Hermione was the on other. Draco had grip of your hand tightly, he kept kissing your cheek and pulling you closer to him to show that you were his girlfriend. You thought it was funny how jealous he was, you kiss his cheek and laugh silently. You all arrive at the beach, you and Draco grab your bag and walk over to sit down. Harry, Ron and Hermione follow doing the same. "Me and Harry are going in the water, see you guys later" Ron says racing Harry into the water. Hermione and you take off your clothes revealing your bathing suits, you and Hermione put on sunscreen. You look over and Draco who was staring at you with a smirk on his face. You walk over and slap his shoulder as you sit back next to him. "Go join Harry and Ron I'll be there in a sec" you say smiling at Hermione. She gets up and runs into the water with Ron and Harry, you turn your head to Draco. "Why are you so jealous?" you say smiling. Draco laughs and pulls you into his arms, "I just don't want anyone to steal you from me love" he says kissing your head. "Well come on Draco let's go" you say standing up. He takes his shirt off exposing his toned stomach, you apply sunscreen on him. He then grabs you and starts running into the water. "DRACO NO" you scream as he runs into the water. "I got you I got you" he laughs gripping onto you tightly. You grip onto his as he walk into the water with you, you make eye contact with him. You kiss his lips and then let go as you see Ron and Harry laughing, you let go of Draco. "Oh you think that was funny now?" You say running up to them, you splash Ron and Harry in the face with water. "EW it's so salty" Ron snarls. "Well don't drink it dumbass" you and Hermione laugh. He rolls his eyes and splashes you with water. Draco walks over and puts his hand around your waist, you grab onto his hand. You turned your head looking him in the face, you splash water at him laughing. He laughs mimicking you and splashes you back, he smiles and kisses your forehead as he pulls you back over to him. You and Draco stood in the water for awhile when Harry runs and grabs you, "HARRY DONT YOU FUCKING DARE" you scream as he runs into the water with you. This made Draco mad as Harry gripped onto your body, he only wanted him to be teasing you like that. Draco starts walking over there clenching his fists.

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