-chapter 17-

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You watched as Draco drives away, you had a bad feeling about this trip for some reason. You start walking back to Hogwarts, you see Blaise. He smiles and waves, you wave back but no smile. You walk back to your dorm, you try to get rid of the feeling in your stomach. 'What if Draco got hurt?' You thought to yourself. You walk down to the common room and sit on the couch. You stare at the fire burning intensely as you took sips of your water. Crabbe and Blaise walked downstairs, "y/n are you okay?" They asked. You roll your eyes "you're only asking that because Draco told you to look after me." You say looking back over at the fire burning. They stand there for a moment staring at you, "do you know where Draco is?" you ask setting down your glass of water and standing up. You turn around so you were facing them, "yes he's at the manner" Crabbe says. Blaise slaps his arm. "Thank you Crabbe" you say turning around and walking upstairs to your dorm. You open the door, you lay down on your bed thinking about Draco. You had a feeling Draco was doing something bad, you start to get anxious. You were worried something was going to happen to him, you start pacing around your room. 'Maybe I should go to the Malfoy manner' you though to yourself. But you realized you promised him you wouldn't follow him, he would be furious if you broke his promise. But you didn't care, you needed to make sure Draco was okay. You planned on heading there the day after tomorrow. You went to sleep, you woke up and started packing for your trip to the Malfoy manner. You walk downstairs to go head to breakfast, you see Blaise and Pansy watching you. "See something you like?" You tease at both of them. Pansy rolls her eyes, you continue to walk out of the common room. You make your way into the mess hall, you sit next to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "Hey guys" you say sitting down. "Hey" they all say. You just start talking and joking around, after breakfast you headed back to your dorm and continued packing. As you walked into the common room Blaise stops you from walking up the stairs, "woah, I have a boyfriend" you say pushing him away. "Where do you think your off to? I saw the bag in your dorm?" He says. "None of your business" you snarl. "You better not be running off to the manner, it isn't safe right now." He says. You push him out of the way, you walk upstairs and watch tv. It was the next day, you left very early in the morning so nobody saw you. You take your luggage and head to the train that will take you to the manner. Blaise wakes up and sees you never showed up to breakfast, "god damn it" he says slamming his fists on the table. "What is it" Crabbe asks. "It's y/n she left to go to the manner, she's going to get herself killed." Blaise says.

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