-chapter 26-

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"Umbridge gave it to me she said I had to wear it" you said confused. You look around as everyone stared at you, "what's wrong Draco? You're scaring me." You said looking over at him. "Dobby why don't you take the necklace and set it somewhere safe." Draco said as he took off the necklace and handed it to Dobby. Dobby walked away with the necklace, "eat y/n"  Draco said as he rubbed your hand gently. "Draco what's wrong? You're hiding something from me." You say, he looks up at you. "I'm not hiding anything love, now eat please." Draco said. You pull your hand away from him and throw his hand off your thigh, you start eating your food staying silent. He looks up at you, you don't look back. Everyone talks and eats as you stay silent, you were mad at Draco. You knew he was hiding something, you weren't stupid. "So you're going to be mad at me now?" Draco whispers. "Yes I am because you won't tell me what the fucks going on." You whisper back. As the desert started to be brought out dobby walks up to you, he was holding something  behind his back. Everyone didn't pay attention, everyone was talking. "Since I wasn't here for Christmas I didn't have a chance to give you a gift so here you go." He giggled holding out a silver wrapped box. You smile and pick up the box, "how sweet of you Dobby" you say softly. Draco was clenching his fists as you opened the gift box. You saw a bracelet that had black crystals everywhere, "aww Dobby it's beautiful. Thank you" you say softly pulling him in for a hug. Dobby peaked is head over looking at Draco, "here Dobby go and set it by my coat please" you said handing him the box. You watched as he walked away, you looked over at Draco. His face was filled with jealousy. "Draco stop, he was just being kind." You say. "He likes you y/n, he flirts with you all the time. You're mine, my girlfriend." Draco says taking your hand. "Draco he's an elf, you're jealous over an elf." You laugh. Draco rolls his eyes and kisses you softly. "Here have a piece of cake, it's your favorite."  Draco says handing you a plate. You and him share the slice of cake, as you took a sip of water you started to hear a loud ringing noise and you felt like your head was being hit against the wall. You put your hands on your head, you started to feel pale. "Y/n what's wrong baby?" Draco says concerned. The pain in your head grew worse, you started screaming in pain. At this point you were screaming on the top of your lungs in pain, "Y/N" Draco screamed. He pulled you into his arms as you fell on the floor, tears started to roll down your face as you felt like your head was going to explode. Draco gripped you tightly, "DOBBY BRING ME THE NECKLACE" Draco screamed.

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