can't get rid of him

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10th grade

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10th grade

Why she was visiting Mr. Feeny in her old sixth grade classroom? She had no idea. But when he asked her to stop by to talk about some of her old work, she couldn't refuse. Her sixth grade work was probably some of her best. The hallways of John Quincy Adams Middle School were familiar, and littered with feelings of deja-vu and nostalgia. It was both comforting, and startling. It had been four years and she still missed the comfort of sixth grade. It wasn't that she didn't have any friends or hated high school, but the memories of how easy sixth grade was lingered. Her Doc Martens made a slight clicking noise on the linoleum floor, and the cool hallways sent shivers up her unclothed legs. She was wearing her usual attire of her favourite pair of denim shorts (loose and green), a white t-shirt with a message, a tight double stacked choker, and a clip holding up her mess of curly hair. She nervously fiddled with her double nose ring, a habit she had picked up last year when she got them done. Madison wasn't the epitome of her high school's fashion, but she really didn't care.

"Mr. Feeny?" Madison inquired, knocking lightly.

"Ahh Miss Chirley, do come in," Mr. Feeny called.

She swung open the door and was startled to find another person in the room. She almost groaned in response - Eric Matthews.

"Am I interrupting something? I can come back-" Madison offered, before being cut off.

"No no, Mr. Matthews was just leaving," Mr. Feeny ushered.

As Madison approached the desk, Eric gave her his signature dazzling smile. She would've rolled her eyes if Mr. Feeny hadn't been standing there. They had been going to school together since kindergarten, and had barely crossed paths; not for lack of trying mind you. They were, however, stuck in the same 5th and 6th grade class, as well as homeroom for the last 4ish years.

"Hi, I'm Eric Matthews," he introduced, sticking out his hand.

Madison and Mr. Feeny shared a look, a very knowing look. She wanted to punch him in the face, but thought better of it.

"Hi Eric, I'm Madison Chirley," Madison retorted, shaking his hand, "Been in your class since the 5th grade."

"No way! You've changed Whirley. Definitely, uh, taller," Eric commented, continuously shaking her hand, "Are you at John Adams?"

"Been there since 7th," Madison sighed.

The awkward silence that passed between them was unbearable as he continued to shake her hand. It was so awkward she almost forgot about the terrible nickname he brought back from her childhood.

"Well, thank you Mr. Matthews," Mr. Feeny interjected, placing his hand on Eric's forearm.

Eric released his hold on Madison's hand and slid it through his hair.

"Nice to, uh, see you again," Eric mumbled, "Uh, both of you."

And with that he clumsily made his way out of the classroom, waving goodbye.

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