the manhattan project

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"I have a crush on Eric Matthews

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"I have a crush on Eric Matthews."

"This is news?" Candace snickered, looking at her friend with a cocked head. 

Madison whined, leaning her back against her locker. It was the Monday following the Friday screening, and Madison had spent all weekend mulling over her thoughts. She had basically holed up in her room and wrote the pros and cons of liking Eric Matthews. 

Pros: he's cute, he's already a good friend, he's been nothing but kind to her and her friends. 

Cons: he's a player, he's just a friend, he's lied and hurt her indirectly before. 

Regardless of the pros and cons, she couldn't deny the feelings. But just because she had a crush didn't mean she had to do anything about it. 

"What are you gonna do about it?" Jess inquired. 

"Nothing, probably," Candace teased, poking her on the arm. 

Madison lightly slapped at her hand and crossed her arms. The two girls closed their own lockers and gave her a sympathetic look. They could see that the normally organized brainiac was slipping. Madison was used to having complete control over everything, and now this was throwing a wrench in her plans. Candace noticed Madison was wearing some of the clothes that she had given her, forever ago. It was an interesting change. 

"Oh god there he is," Madison almost shrieked as he began to make his way over, waving a hand. 

His locker was on the other side of the main locker area, thus why she hadn't seen him prior to his movement towards her. Candace and Jess tried to stifle their cackles as Madison awkwardly waved back. 

"Hello ladies. Whirley, wanna come over and help me write a paper that was due last year?" Eric inquired. 

Madison's blushing and bumbling face quickly switched to one of confusion. How could a paper be due last year?

"Did you just not do your Manhattan Project paper?" Jess chuckled.

"That I did not," Eric sighed, running a hand through his hair. 

Oh his hair. It was at the perfect length, all fluffy and soft - not quite touching his shoulders. And boy was she thankful that the weather was slowly turning cold, as he wore sweaters almost every day. Today's particular sweater was half dark green and half light green, with red and white stripes. She could see his white undershirt peek out of the v-neck and vaguely wondered how she herself would look in the sweater. 


"Oh, yeah, sorry," Madison mumbled, "I'd love to."

"Perfect, meet you in the parking lot," Eric winked, stalking away.

"I can't do it," Madison muttered. 

"Mads, you've gone to his house to study plenty of times," Jess reassured. 

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