the anniversary rave

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It was a cozy Wednesday night, the Chirley family curled up in the living room

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It was a cozy Wednesday night, the Chirley family curled up in the living room. The TV served as background noise as everyone was working on their own things. Madison was reading a book, her mother, Corinne, was going over her patient notes, and her father, Pete, was half asleep. Typical. 


When her parents made no move to answer the phone, Madison sighed and put down her book. 

"I'll get it," she said haughtily. 

Madison padded over towards the phone, quickening her pace a little bit as she got closer. She barely had time to say hello when Cory Matthews' voice rang through. 

"Madison?" Cory practically shouted. 

"Yep, Cory why are..." Madison began. 

"I'm sorry Madison but I've gotta talk quick I have so much to do," Cory rambled, "Eric wanted me to call you and invite you to our parents' anniversary party tonight. It's at Chubbie's, 8 o'clock."

"Are you sure you want me there? I mean... I'm not really..." Madison interjected. 

"I'm sorry but I gotta go," Cory interrupted, "Chubbie's, 8 o'clock. Eric will be outside."

And with that the phone went silent. Madison was left with a puzzled look on her face. 

"Who was it Maddy?" her mother called. 

"It was Cory, uh, Matthews. Apparently they're throwing Amy and Alan an anniversary party," Madison mumbled, walking back to the living room. 

"Aww how sweet, you girls will have to remember that for our anniversary this summer," Corinne teased, winking at her. 

Madison mockingly laughed and plopped down on the couch. She brought her knees up to her chest and rested her chin on them. 

"I was invited, but I don't think I should go," Madison continued, "I mean... it's not like I'm really that close with the whole family."

"I don't think that's true, you're over there all the time and I know that the Matthews love having you around," Corinne argued, "Especially Eric."

Madison rolled her eyes at her mother's not-so-subtle hint. Her mother was convinced that her and Eric had been dating ever since the SAT studying sessions at Eric's house. Unfortunately, that was not the case. 

"I guess I'll go then," Madison muttered, hopping off the couch once again. 

"Wear that velvet dress I got you!" Corinne called after her. 


The crowd that was in front of Chubbie's was not what Madison had imagined when they had said "anniversary party". It looked more like a rave. 

A rave. 

So Eric was the one who had been attempting to throw that underground rave earlier this week. Her and her friends had simply rolled their eyes and ignored the obvious posters. Raving wasn't their style. 

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