the news

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"Are you really going to mope all night, again?" Jess sighed, lightly kicking Madison

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"Are you really going to mope all night, again?" Jess sighed, lightly kicking Madison. 

Madison groaned in response, furrowing her brows. It was just Jess and Madison at her house, Candace on a date, sitting in her basement with the TV playing the news channel. Jess' brother Jack liked to watch the 5 o'clock news and refused to use any other TV in the house. He was sitting on the couch now, not even paying attention to the two bored best friends. Jess was determined not to cave and leave the basement, so they were going to wait him out. 

"I'm trying not to," Madison murmured. 

It was hard not to when your boyfriend continuously gave you the cold shoulder in favour of his boss. She was glad he was doing something, don't get her wrong, but it was hard to be supportive of such ignorance. 

"And now, the WIXB 5 o'clock report, with Connie Yamaguchi. Arnie Cohen, sports," the announcer on the TV bellowed.

"I don't understand why you even wa-" Jess began. 

"And filling in for vacationing Cal Kilbride," the announcer cut off, "Eric Matthews, weather."

Madison almost fell off the couch. Her eyes snapped to attention, widening immediately as the image of her boyfriend popped up on the screen. He was actually on TV, as the weatherman. She couldn't believe it.

"Eric?" Jess shrieked, letting out a laugh. 

"This can't be happening," Madison cackled, reaching for the remote to turn it up. 

"So now you're interested in the news," Jack said smugly. 

"Shut up Jack." 


Madison's foot bounced up and down rapidly as she sat in the Matthews' kitchen with them and Mr. Feeny. She had left Jess' house after dinner, and immediately ran over to their house to watch Eric at 10. They were all so proud of him, and the energy was palpable in the house. Just as she turned to say something to Amy, the side door swung open - revealing an absolutely ecstatic Eric. 

"So? Huh? Did you see me?" Eric shouted. 

As Amy, Alan, and Mr. Feeny let out words of congratulations, Madison hopped up from her chair and tackled him in a hug. He cut off her own words of congratulations by pressing a passionate kiss to her lips. It was so deep she felt like she might pass out. 

"Okay okay, parents and teacher here," Alan chastised, prompting them to separate. 

Madison allowed Eric to fully enter the house and begin to take off his jacket. Amy went to his side with Mr. Feeny on the other - Madison and Alan both sitting at the table now. 

"You know, when you were three years old and you told us you wanted to be a weatherman, we shouldn't have taken you to that doctor," Amy teased. 

Eric practically giggled in response, turning to look at Feeny. 

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