the return

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"And then we went to this super cute little cafe on the North side of town and-" Candace chattered away

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"And then we went to this super cute little cafe on the North side of town and-" Candace chattered away. 

Madison glanced over at Jess, who was currently driving, and smirked at her less than pleased expression. Madison had returned the Tuesday prior to this Thursday, and was still filled with jet lag, but duty called and she was expected back at school. She was glad to see her friends after a summer away, and not have to drive her first day back. Jess, Madison, and Candace had decided to rotate carpooling, as they all now had their licenses. Candace was filling in Madison on all the events they had gotten up to whilst she was away, which included a lot of stories about her and her boyfriend Troy. Jess seemed to be either at practice or working in all these stories - seemed very characteristic of her. 

"Okay that's enough with the boy talk, Mads has heard enough," Jess cut off, laughing slightly. 

Candace made a noise of slight disappointment but shut up, shifting in her seat in the back. 

"So... did you meet any cute British boys?" Candace mused. 

"Met a couple, didn't date any of them or anything," Madison giggled, sighing wistfully. 

"You know what Mads, let's make a pact," Jess suddenly spoke, "We each have to go on at least three dates this year or we both have to third and fourth wheel with Candace and Troy." 

Madison and Candace chuckled but once Jess held out her right pinky and made no inclination she was joking, they fell silent. Madison thought about it for a moment. It really couldn't hurt; it was quite a harmless little agreement. Plus, she had to admit that she could use a date - she was nearing 18 now and not a single boyfriend. 

"Deal," Madison hummed, linking her pinky in Jess'. 

The girls continued to giggle and chat with each other as Jess pulled into the school parking lot. 

"Speaking of dates, look who it is," Jess cackled, gesturing forwards. 

Madison was expecting Troy, or a boy that Jess had a crush on, but she got neither. 

It was Eric Matthews. 


His hair was longer. 

But nothing else seemed to have changed. 

Madison had gotten her yearly locker and was organizing it - with an eye on Eric of course. Jess and Candace had already gone to homeroom, but she was hanging back. Just for a second. 

Eric seemed to be putting a sort of poster up on the wall and it was clear that he had many more in his backpack. She was trying to read what was on the poster, but couldn't make it out. Madison watched in amusement as Eric accidentally stapled his shirt sleeve to the board and she snorted. She didn't know why she was being so nervous about talking to him; they were friends, they had hung out many times before. But something felt different this year. 

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