the train of fools

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"You're sure he's actually going on a date with Rebecca-Alexa?" Aaron Knick, Madison's date, reiterated

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"You're sure he's actually going on a date with Rebecca-Alexa?" Aaron Knick, Madison's date, reiterated.

She fought the urge to roll her eyes once again as the car came to a stop outside the Matthews' house. Aaron Knick from English had asked her out for New Years Eve, and she thought it would be fun to double date with Eric and whomever he was going with. Aaron was already on board with the idea, but once Eric revealed that his date was supermodel Rebecca-Alexa, he was much more interested in the night. To be honest, she had thought that possibly her and Eric would be going out tonight. But, as luck would have it, he had merely viewed that dance at the anniversary party as just some fun. 

Go figure. 

"To be honest, he could be lying," Madison said honestly. 

Aaron hopped out of the car and quickly ran over to her side, opening the door. She smiled and took his outstretched hand, stepping out. She had to admit she looked pretty smoking - with a sparkly white corset top, leather skirt, black tights, and black heeled boots. Of course she had a bulky coat thrown overtop, as this was Philly. 

"Have I mentioned that you look awesome tonight?" Aaron whispered as they sauntered up the driveway. 

"Only a few times," Madison giggled. 

Just as they were approaching the door, it swung open to reveal Eric and his parents. Eric seemed to already be on the move, and for some reason Amy was holding a pair of pliers. 

"Guys! You're just on time! Rebecca is almost here and we've got-!" Eric greeted, before stopping mid-sentence, "Whirley, what are you wearing?"

"Clothes?" Madison snarked, suddenly feeling self conscious. 

"Not much of them, you're gonna freeze," Eric said seriously. 

"Thanks Dad," Madison snorted, pushing past him to approach his car. 

Eric glared at her retreating figure and communicated they were taking his parents' car by pushing past her in a similar approach she had taken. She rolled her eyes and waited for Aaron to catch up, slipping her arm through his. 

"This is gonna be a strange night," Aaron commented. 


"Oh, Rebecca-Alexa I am so sorry the car broke down," Eric sighed as he swung open the door. 

They were literally just down the street, they had barely left the neighbourhood, when the car stopped working. She thought maybe they would get lucky because it was his parents' car - apparently not. She couldn't say she was sad to be out of that car, as both Aaron and Eric only spoke to and looked at Rebecca, but she would rather be at an actual party, not back at Eric's house. She didn't wear this uncomfortable corset for nothing. The next plan was to use Aaron's car, but it only sat two. 

"Eric, don't worry about it. These things happen," Rebecca said airily. 

"You understand?" Eric responded, "You're not mean and icy? Ohh, you are a super-duper model."

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