the horror

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"This is gonna be so sick," Johnny commented

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"This is gonna be so sick," Johnny commented. 

She couldn't help but notice his affinity for using the word 'sick' but let it pass. He didn't need as big of a vocabulary as she had. 

They currently were waiting in line for the movie and were constantly getting shushed by Joey and Frankie, both of which had said hi to her. She thought it was funny that out of everyone in the school she would consider the two of them friends. Neither Jess nor Candace were here, as they both hated scary movies, but she knew that they were just itching for her to get back and tell them all the details. A sleepover was in order. 

Johnny didn't seem like that bad of a guy. They had been quietly chatting the entire time in line, and the entire ride there, and he seemed to know how to hold a conversation. It was mostly about himself, but that was kind of a guy thing regardless. Madison just zoned out during the boring bits. She did have to admit that she probably wouldn't be going out with him again anytime soon. 

After what felt like forever, Joey and Frankie were ushering them in. Johnny held her hand as the group moved forward and her face flushed. She had never held hands before. 


Her head popped up from her hands as Eric's voice rang. She had completely forgotten that she had wanted to talk to him about this. 

"Eric, hi," she greeted, stopping beside him to allow others to pass. 

"Wait, you know the president too?" Johnny said incredulously. 

"Yeah, she's one of my best friends," Eric countered. 

If she didn't know any better she would say he was sounding territorial. She didn't know she had been promoted to a 'best' friend. 

"Sick," Johnny responded, "Lets get our seats."

Madison wanted to continue to the conversation, but was pulled away by Johnny. She sent Eric a halfass smile and wasn't surprised when he didn't return it. Johnny plopped them down in the front row, and she was a little miffed. Everyone knew that sitting at the back was the best place to see. The lights were quickly dimmed and the curtains opened. It seemed they were starting with a short film.

Madison awkwardly shifted in her seat as Johnny threw his arm around the back of it. He seemed to be inching closer and closer to her and she didn't like it. Her anxiety was starting to bubble up in her throat and she felt like she was gonna barf. She didn't really want to do any physical stuff past handholding tonight - it was a first date for Christ's sake. It was a godsend when the lights came back up and Eric took the stage. 

"How about that coyote? What a moron huh?" Eric announced, clapping along and smiling comedically. 

She couldn't help a smile pull on her face at how ridiculously cute he was being. And he looked so good in that red sweater and... what was she thinking? She was on a date with a very handsome boy who also looked very good in his sweater. 

"Well, on behalf of the film society and their friends," Eric announced, gesturing to Frankie and Joey in the back, "We would like to thank you all for responding to the underground invitations stuffed in your locker. And now, here to introduce Leon's Revenge, the man you've all been waiting for. He played Leon the Gut-sucker in parts 1, 3, and 4... here he is, direct from the pits of hell, your worst nightmare! Come on!"

The entire room erupted into applause as Eric exited the stage. The lights dimmed as the curtain swung open, revealing a blood red screen and a figure that looked just like...

"Boo," Mr. Feeny growled. 

Everyone was out of their seats within seconds, Johnny included. He was pulling her along quite aggressively and they soon made it into the hallway. 

"Some horror movie," Johnny chuckled. 

"Yeah," Madison snickered. 

"So... you wanna go make-out in the library?" he blurted. 

She was speechless that he could be so upfront and careless about it. They had literally met the day prior. 

"Excuse me?" she finally muttered. 

"Come on, it'll be fun," Johnny brushed off, reaching for her arm. 

"I think you've got the wrong idea about me," Madison snapped, yanking away her arm. 

He was silent for a moment, just staring at her. Madison assumed he was trying to figure if she was kidding or not. She definitely wasn't. 

"I guess I do," he simply said, "Have a good night."

Madison felt a breath leave her lips as he made to move away. He was rounding the corner when he stuck his head back to look at her. 

"Didn't know you were such a prude," he said with finality. 

It shouldn't have hurt, but it still did. This guy barely knew her and he was making assumptions about her life. She was fuming and if she wasn't on school grounds she would've ran after him and kicked the living-

"Whirley? What are you still doing here?" Eric's voice ripped through her thoughts. 

Her face flushed in embarrassment. The whole evening was an embarrassment. She probably looked utterly ridiculous standing alone in the dimly lit hallway, staring straight ahead with a livid look on her face. She was so embarrassed she could barely speak. 

"Johnny left," she managed to choke out.

"Why?" Eric inquired, voice laced with concern. 

"He- he uh," Madison mumbled, feeling even more awkward, "He wanted to go make-out in the library. And I said no."

Eric started to laugh, head thrown back. She found herself laughing along with him, seeing how comical it actually was. The pair began to walk side by side with each other. 

"Keeping it really romantic huh," Eric chuckled, "Need a ride home?"

Madison felt something different. Something light. It was like the energy between them had shifted. A smile crept up into her features as he looked over at her, his own smile on his face. 

"Why yes I do, thanks for asking," Madison said lightly. 

"Good," Eric hummed. 

Different. Very different. 

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