the staff meeting

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Madison was grateful to spend quality time with Amy and Topanga, especially Topanga, but wished they had been doing something other than watching sappy romance movies for the fifteenth time

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Madison was grateful to spend quality time with Amy and Topanga, especially Topanga, but wished they had been doing something other than watching sappy romance movies for the fifteenth time. Amy, who was right beside her, was gripping her tissue and Topanga, on the other side of Amy, was looking forlornly at the screen. Madison tried not to giggle at the two of them. She didn't hate sappy movies, but preferred to watch them alone - so no one could see her cry. And, to add to it, the Super Bowl was currently on the TV upstairs. Madison also wasn't a huge sports fan, but she always watched the Super Bowl. Especially the half-time show. Eric and Alan were chilling upstairs, watching the Cowboys and Steelers go head to head. She was dying to know the score, but didn't want to make Amy and Topanga feel like she didn't want to be there with them.

"See Cory, wasn't that a good movie?" Topanga sobbed as the movie came to a close.

Madison had almost forgot that Cory had been on the couch with them too, and snickered into her hand at the image of him completely knocked out, drooling.

"Cory, you're drooling," Topanga chastised, lightly hitting him in the chest.

Cory seemed out of it as he took Topanga's presented tissue and dabbed at the corners of his mouth.

"No, no, I-I was crying," Cory stuttered, "From my mouth."

"If you're bored why don't you just go upstairs and watch the game with your father?" Topanga argued.

Madison's head turned at the sound of soft feet coming down the stairs and she smiled at the appearance of Eric. Even though they had been dating for around a month now, she still got butterflies whenever he appeared. She desperately wished he would offer her a spot upstairs so she could go with him.

"Oh hon anyone can watch the Super Bowl, right? I mean it takes a special man to watch a classic like this," Cory forced out.

"Is that what you are Cor, a special man?" Eric teased.

Cory looked up inquisitively, but was even more startled when Eric suddenly wrapped his arms around him, hoisting him up on his shoulders.

"Eric? What are you doing?" Amy complained, looking up at him in disappointment.

"I'm saving a life!" Eric shouted, dramatically turning and walking into the kitchen.

"I still can't believe you're dating that," Amy joked, nudging Madison in the arm.

"I question that myself daily," Madison giggled.

Topanga and Amy both sent her a bright smile, giggling along with her. Their attention was turned back to the screen as the second film began. Madison glanced longingly over at the kitchen, willing Eric to come out faster.

"Hon! How are the muffins doing?" Topanga called to the kitchen.

"I'll stick a fork in them hon!" Cory's voice called back.

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