the wrestling team

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*definitely changed the episode narrative in this one* 

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*definitely changed the episode narrative in this one* 

Madison absentmindedly tapped her forehead with her pen, her sleepy eyes raking over her notebook filled with messy notes. She was studying for her big chemistry test, but was finding it hard to concentrate, as her mind continued to wander. Ever since Eric and Madison had decided to become friends, he never left her alone - whether in real life or in her brain. Every stupid thing he said or did ran through her head like a movie, and caused her to smile occasionally. Madison refused to admit to herself that it wasn't normal to think of a friend like this, and laughed at how preposterous having a crush on the Eric Matthews would be. 

The sound of the phone ringing downstairs did nothing to distract her and she continued to doodle diagrams of the elements. 

"Madison!" Madison's mother, Corinne, shouted. 

"What?" she called back, not even lifting her head. 

"The phone's for you!" 

A moment of confusion before realization: it was probably Jess asking for her answers. 

She hopped up from her desk, scooping up her notebook and padding quickly down the upstairs hallway and down the staircase. Corinne was standing at the entrance of the kitchen, holding the landline in her hand and looking smug. Madison shot her a confused look and brought the phone up to her ear. 


"Whirley!" Eric's voice startled her, "There's a secret wrestling match going on between Cory and Joey at the school! I'm on my way to pick you up!"

"What? Eric, no I got home-" Madison protested. 

"Bye!" Eric interrupted, the sound of the line going silent. 

Madison's mouth hung open as she returned the phone to the receiver. Her mom was quietly washing dishes, a smile tugging at her features. 

"What are you smiling about?" Madison demanded. 

"Nothing, just glad you're finally branching out," Corinne muttered, "Please be home by 10, it's a school night."

"I'm not going!" Madison countered. 


The gym was filled with so many people, she hadn't expected this. When Eric said 'secret wrestling match', the entire school being present wasn't on her mind. Jess and Candace aggressively waved them over. Madison felt a little hurt that they had come without telling her, but her focus quickly shifted when Eric placed his hand on her lower back to guide her through the crowd. She was sure her cheeks were a blazing red. 

"Can you believe this is happening?" Jess shouted above the noise as Madison and Eric plopped down, "Eric called me and told me to grab Candace and get down here!"

Madison felt a little guilty for assuming they had come without her, and gave them both a bright smile. Eric's hand was quickly removed from her lower back as they squeezed into the makeshift seats. She couldn't tell if she was relieved or disappointed. 

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