the big hero

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"Are you coming?" Candace questioned

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"Are you coming?" Candace questioned.

Madison's head popped up from her essay, confusion littering her face. She had no idea to what Candace was referring to.

"The assembly?" Candace clarified. 

Madison had completely forgotten. Apparently Cory had put out some fire or something and was getting the "hero's treatment". They were now presenting him with an "award" at an impromptu assembly that was more like an awards ceremony. Madison usually skipped assemblies, as they were a waste of precious school time, but decided that she might as well support her friend's younger brother. 

"Yeah," Madison mumbled, scooping up her stuff and following after her. 

The classroom was already packed when she got there, and Eric was standing with the entire football team on the stage. It seemed they were waiting for Cory to arrive. When Eric caught her eye he excitedly waved, pushing a blush onto her face. It wasn't just because it was Eric waving, but also because it prompted the people around him to turn to look at her. Oh god it was embarrassing. 

"Did you hear that loverboy is sans Stephanie now?" Candace whispered as they settled into their seats. 

Ahh Stephanie, the new-old girlfriend. 

"I did hear that," Madison countered, "He told me."

"Ahh, the enjoyment of the friendzone," Candace teased. 

It hurt a little, but it was the truth. It seemed in Madison's mission to prove to Eric that she would always be there for him, she had cemented her role as 'the friend'. Not that she didn't love being Eric's friend, he was so much fun to hang out with, but that's not all she wanted. 

The award ceremony began as Cory arrived and the speeches started. The constant back and forth of boring speeches and rounds of applause was giving Madison a headache. She wished they would just give the damn award already. 

"A lot of people think I'm a big deal around here because I throw touchdown passes," a random jock announced, prompting Madison to roll her eyes, "And I am. But I wouldn't have a field to do it on, if it wasn't for this guy. So this Saturday, we're dedicating our big game to our inspiration, Cory Matthews."

The room erupted in applause and Madison rolled her eyes once again as she clapped along. 

"Keep rolling your eyes like that and they're gonna get stuck up there," Candace joked. 

"You sound like my mother," Madison deadpanned, causing the dark skinned girl to giggle. 

"So, here to introduce the man of the hour is his brother Eric," the jock introduced, before whispering something to Eric.  

Eric cleared his throat and took centre stage. He was wearing a purple-ish, v-neck sweater today, and, of course, he looked so cute in it. 

"Okay, I'd like to start off with a mega big patriot's hello to all my fellow students, especially you Madison Chirley. Yeah, I see you looking at me," Eric announced. 

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