the keiner problem

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"Damn Maddy, you got some issues," Candace snickered, leaning her head back on her locker like she always did

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"Damn Maddy, you got some issues," Candace snickered, leaning her head back on her locker like she always did.

It was a few days after the whole Matthews House situation, and Madison was littered with guilt. The news had spread quickly through the school about Tory, the senior advisor, fixing tests for Eric in exchange for dates. The narrative of the news, however, was one of Eric's honesty - coming clean to Mr. Feeny and getting Tory fired. Madison felt bad for putting him in that situation in the first place, but admired his honesty.

She had finally told her friends what had happened at the Matthews' house, as she had been keeping quite silent about it. But now that the whole school was talking about Eric, she felt the need to explain why Tory had ended up as Eric's tutor.

"I don't know why I freaked out," Madison whispered, "I just panicked."

"I probably would've too, I mean, he was practically roasting you in front of his family," Jess defended.

Just as they finished their conversation, Eric came walking past them - with Joey and Frankie in tow. It seemed that since Harvey Keiner's departure, they had latched onto him. Madison thought it was kind of funny, as they were dressing exactly like Eric. Today it was his classic striped button up hanging open with a polo, paired with khaki pants and sneakers. She knew that Eric was less than pleased to have the lackeys, which she also found hilarious. Madison watched in amusement as Eric passionately spoke to them.

"You should go talk to him," Jess whispered, lightly shoving her forwards.

"Fine," Madison seethed, shuffling over.

Just as she opened her mouth to speak, the attention in the hall shifted to an unfamiliar male sauntering down. He was cute, with spiky brown hair and a laidback attitude. The girls immediately flocked to him, hanging on to his every word as he spoke. Madison wasn't focused on him, however, as she was trying to pull Eric's attention.

"Who does this guy think he is? Guys?" Eric snickered to Frankie and Joey, who were enraptured with the newcomer, "Guys?"

As Eric turned to speak to his lackeys, he noticed Madison standing there as well. His expression didn't light up like it usually would and this caused Madison's heart to begin to beat quicker.

"Hi Eric," Madison speedily said, "Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, sure," Eric mumbled, looking back at Frankie and Joey.

They both seemed unbothered by Eric's departure and continued to stare in admiration. Madison picked at her nails nervously as they stood behind Frankie and Joey, who surprisingly provided good seclusion.

"I just wanted to apologize for, uh, ditching again," Madison murmured, "And for accidentally putting you in that terrible situation with Tory. I know you're probably mad wi-"

"Mad? I'm not mad Whirley. I was just confused," Eric cut off, "And don't worry about the whole Tory stuff, that wasn't your fault."

"Oh," Madison said quietly, feeling a little dejected, "Well, I'm still sorry for all the other stuff."

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