the oxford letter

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"You guys are so cute it's actually sickening," Candace giggled

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"You guys are so cute it's actually sickening," Candace giggled.

"Yeah I don't think I've ever seen you happy," Jess teased.

Madison's mouth dropped open and she lightly hit her friend, but couldn't help a smile spread. It was a much needed girl's night at Madison's house, and they were technically supposed to be beginning their finals prep, but that wasn't on their agenda for the evening. All three of them laid on her sizeable bed, Candace and Jess on their stomachs and Madison on her back. It was mid April now, marking both the fourth month of Madric (Candace's words, not hers) and the almost second month of not hearing from Oxford. It was driving her insane.

"Are you guys going to get married when you graduate?" Candace inquired, rolling onto her back.

"What?" Madison almost choked.

"Well usually when couples graduate together they move in together and then get engaged," Candace explained, "Unless you guys are gonna break up?"

"Candace, it's not either or. They're not even 18 yet," Jess defended, joining them on her back.

"Just thinking ahead," Candace defended.

Madison kept quiet in the conversation, pondering. She wasn't ready to get married, not even close. She didn't want to break up with him, but didn't want to feel pressured into getting into a more serious relationship. They had only been together 4 months anyways.


The girls' heads popped up at the appearance of Corinne Chirley, who was standing ominously in the doorway. Madison wondered why she was acting so strange, until she noticed what she was holding in her hand.

"Is that the-" Madison stuttered, quickly sitting up.

Corinne nodded, a nervous smile crossing her features. With in seconds Madison was on her feet, taking the letter from her mother and speedily opening it. Her eyes scoured the pages.

"Dear Madison Chirley, we are pleased to inform you that your application to Oxford University has been accepted!" Madison read aloud, her voice increasing in volume.

The entire room erupted in shrieks of excitement; everyone rushed towards Madison and enveloped her in a big hug. Eventually, Corinne fled the room to go call her dad and sister, and probably everyone else as well, and Madison read on. It was all technical stuff, mostly just the dates information packages should arrive and what to expect from the upcoming year.

"You've gotta tell Eric!" Jess prodded.

Madison nodded her head and bounded down the stairs. She groaned as her mother was practically attached to the phone, talking animatedly away.

"Come on girls!" Madison shouted.

"What?" "Where are we going?"

"We're going to Eric's house!"

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